
Netpeak Spider – SEO Crawler Overview: Program Tour and the Main Advantages – Netpeak Software Blog

If you want to better understand our SEO crawler Netpeak Spider, this post is the right place to start learning more. The program will help you efficiently optimize websites, save your time, and:

In this post I’ll give you as much useful content about Netpeak Spider as I can in a brief way. To make sure you got all the information and earn several points for Gryffindor, don’t miss a short quiz at the end. If you feel lucky enough today, use contents to quickly scroll to the quiz.

1. Start Crawling

Let’s dive into the program to find out how it works. To start the website analysis – enter its URL into the address bar and click ‘Start’. The crawler will get the necessary data to create all the reports you can instantly use at work.

2. Dashboard, Tables, and Reports

10 minutes later we have the following reports:

Dashboard in Netpeak Spider

3. Segmentation

If you want to dig further into your website, we have a unique segmentation feature for this task (pretty much like in Google Analytics). This feature will help you separate a specific part of a website and rebuild all reports to narrow down on a necessary segment. Try applying any filter as a segment to spot issues that have been found in that exact place of the website or get an overview information.

4. Parameters and Settings

We all have extraordinary tasks that require a out-of-the-box thinking – that’s the moment when you truly enjoy customization opportunities of the tool with ‘Parameters’ and ‘Settings’.

Crawling parameters and their description in Netpeak Spider

5. Reports Export

To export the audit after the crawl, open the ‘Export’ menu and choose the corresponding item. Let’s take a look at this amazing report created with Netpeak Spider!

Besides the PDF audit, the program lets you export any tables: get more complex reports or all data in one folder in just a few clicks.

6. Internal Tools

Netpeak Spider is a program with a variety of functions and use cases. We have deployed special built-in tools to solve some tasks without unnecessary distractions:

Built-in tools in Netpeak Spider

7. Brief Summary

As a conclusion, I want to recap what makes Netpeak Spider an outstanding crawler compared to many other programs:

P.S. Don’t miss an overview of a tool for bulk URL analysis – Netpeak Checker. I invite you to watch a video, read a post, and, of course, have a crack at quiz in the end to be the brightest spark of Gryffindor.

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