Changes have been made to the Livingston County Library’s search engine and as to how items are reserved online.
When searching for just children or young adult material, patrons should choose “Lillian DesMarias Youth Library” in the catalog search bar. To search for just adult materials, “Livingston County Library” should be chosen. Patrons can also search for materials of both buildings by choosing “Livingston County.”
Individuals will have the option of choosing their pick up location once their holds are placed but before they are submitted. They should choose the Livingston County Library until the Lillian DesMarias Youth Library opens to the public. After the youth branch is open, patrons will be able to pick up holds from either location. A library representative reports there is no official date set for the opening of the youth branch.
A video describing the process of placing items on hold is available on the Livingston County Library Facebook page. Contact the Youth Library for more information at 660-646-0563.