(GFA), Routine Through the ages you have settled into somewhat of a routine. You are even able to move quietly over dry leaves. Finally, all Expression difficulties involving color are reduced by one. Usually, when using True Faith, you must use a holy symbol from your own religious tradition. Surreal Beauty You are blessed with unspeakable beauty that supersedes most peoples notions of loveliness and a sense of grace and dignity that makes you undeniable. Unfortunately, both of your kind would consider you threats if they knew of your relationship. The Storyteller should create something suitable or choose one item from the Mystical Items list to give to you (though you can suggest something). You may take this Flaw once per decade above 40 years of age. (GFA), Anachronism (Mortal)This Flaw reads exactly the same as the Mortal Society flaw for Vampires, however, its point value is diminished because it has limited effect. The Inbred Flaw cover all manner of physical, mental, and emotional defects. The visions are not necessarily precognitive, but like precognition, the visions occur outside your control. Your Unconquered ally may be called upon for assistance and may also enlist your support from time to time. (CB:G1), Vulnerability to Silver (Vampire) You suffer aggravated wounds from silver, just like a werewolf. Storytellers should feel free to disallow any communities deemed unbalancing or two inclusive. Crack DriverYou have a natural affinity with driving motorized wheeled vehicles, such as cars, 18-wheelers and even tractors. You feel that your domitor needs you, and that every feeding is nothing short of an act of purest love. Those possessing it do not bear the Curse of Lamia; their Kiss causes no more damage than the blood loss itself. (V20, p.268) This merit is rare among any line other than Viziers, in whom it is nearly always tied to the Curse of Obsession. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted codependent relationships. Multi-Venue Merits and Flaws Here is a list of acceptable Merits and Flaws that are found in the books of multiple venues. Passions may burn brightly; but as they say, revenge is served best cold. Your soak Dice Pool is reduced by one, and if you are jarred or hit violently (more than three successes after soak) you must make a Stamina roll (difficulty 6). You and your spouse would die or kill for one another. It also makes you stand out in a crowd; long after youre gone, people will still talk about those marvelous eyes. (NOS), Club Foot One of your feet is gnarled and deformed. The most powerful enemies (Masters or elder vampires) would be five point Flaws, while someone nearer to your own power would be worth only one point. Any time your character heads out on the town, the Storyteller can make a Perception test on your characters behalf (difficulty 6). The Storyteller may lower the difficulty level for anyone attempting to surprise the character from 1 - 3 points depending on the specific nature of the situation. Cursed (1 - 5 Flaw) You are the recipient of a supernatural curse. (PGS), Prestation Gifts (2 - 6 Merit) One or more Kindred currently owe a boon to you. Dual Nature does not mean schizophrenia (that is a Derangement). You receive two extra dice when rolling to retain or achieve balance. The exceptions are ghouls who themselves possess Vicissitude, though a lowly Zantosa may well find herself helpless to repair the mutilation inflicted by a seventh-generation Tzimisce (to repair Vicissitude alterations, a ghoul must have a level of Vicissitude superior to that of the vampire who inflicted the mutilation). (CG:S). Even if people catch you in the act, your impression of innocence leads them to suspect someone or something else to be behind your deeds. (Players Guide to High Clans Pg204]), Accepted Ally You have a useful connection in the mortal world, a connection of value even to Sabbat leaders. Your Willpower is considered to be two points lower when the object of your romanticism attempts to use Dominate or Presence on you. I like some of the more subtle merits, like Inoffensive to Animals, Acute Sense (s), Catlike Balance, Early Riser, etc. He must also be a good actor. Enchanting VoiceYou have an almost magical voice, beautiful beyond words. Although you would not give up your current position lightly, you may also call in this debt (or debts) should you require aid. Samadji may be activated in any of a number of ways. This manifests as a repeated brushing of hair or adjusting your clothing. You should work with the Storyteller to find an explanation for this Merit, and the Storyteller may disallow this Merit entirely if she so chooses. A 3-point rival has no qualms about occasionally attempting to have you killed or has some serious clout with someone of higher standing than you (a mortal authority or clan elder). You may not command the vermin in any fashion; they are too intoxicated on your vitae to be of any use (though they do love you, for what it's worth). The exact nature of the ability should remain somewhat mysterious to you, though you have some say in what the ability is. This is a generic list: no merit or flaw specific only to one character type is listed, although some originally intended for one type of character have been expanded for more general use. The value or this Flaw is based on how great a favor is owed for example, if the person saved your life, thats usually a three-point Flaw. Once they have drunk it, they must drink again, or spend a Willpower point at inconvenient moments to avoid the pangs of craving. The Storyteller may do this a number of times per story equal to the number of points taken in this Flaw. (1 pt.) You are doomed to make enemies of those whom you most love or admire. (CB:Gio1), Strong Blood The character's blood is especially potent. You are allowed to keep this contact as long as there are no complications. Perhaps you are a poet of great renown or a master fleshcrafter. If you ever botch a Self-Control (or Instinct) roll to resist (or ride the wave of) frenzy, you immediately acquire a compulsion derangement. Other Kindred may even attempt to destroy the mummy or turn him against you rather than allow you access to his great stores of information and abilities. At times you feel your childe would commit diablerie upon you if given half a chance, and you could be right. For every point taken in this Merit you have two such holdings, which can be almost anywhere in the world. It is highly improbable that your allegiance is looked on favorably by her kind, and any Kindred who discovered your relationship would almost certainly disapprove. Even those who cannot see auras are immediately drawn to your presence. Toreador often have this Merit for various hostile cities, allowing them to enjoy the Elysium of those cities without fear. You know most, if not all, of your paramour's secrets, and your paramour knows as much about you. (CB: NOS1), Pale Aura (Ghoul) Due to some quirk of fate or your reaction to the Blood, your aura is naturally pale. The limbs may be regrown normally. These modifications are permanent unless shaped away by further Vicissitude. Reduce the difficulty on any Stealth roll involving moving quietly by two. Pure Blood The Curse of Caine runs strongly in your veins. This makes it far less likely that you will ever botch, and grants you more successes than others obtain. You are at -1 difficulty on all Social rolls against any Camarilla vampire who arent actively opposing your ascent. You may declare your love for one another openly, although you risk becoming an outcast - or worse. For example, a Tzimisce would not get this bonus against the bandit who ambushes her on the road but would receive against the Shadow Lord who slew her sire and drove her from her ancestral fief. (GFA), Eerie Presence Other people get a strange feeling when they are around you. Light Sleeper You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. (DSBH), EcumenistAlthough you are steadfast in your own faith, you recognize the workings of the Holy Spirit, which "bloweth where it listeth," in other religions. (INQ). If he fails, he pursues the salvation of his honor to the exclusion of all other business. (INQ), Virulent Strike (Ghoul) Through strange Thaumaturgical sorcery, unknown rituals or even an odd quirk of your ghoul physiognomy, you have been imbued with the power of the supernatural You can cause aggravated damage to supernatural creatures by striking them, biting them, raking them with bonecrafted spurs - whatever. (PGS). Rivalry (1 - 3 Flaw)You have an ongoing rivalry with someone (perhaps a Cainite, or even a mortal). You are able to understand many magical portents that are revealed to people every day, but are seen by few and interpreted by less. Giovanni with this Merit are afforded wide berth, as this Trait is reminiscent of the Cappadocian clan weakness and the Giovanni tend to be quite superstitious about it. Charmed ExistenceYour unlife is somehow protected, and you do not face the perils that others must. (CB:Tor1), Mystic Ability For some reason, you have visions. Note that this tongue does not inflicted aggravated damage, nor draw blood. Featuring 13 clans and 19 bloodlines, this volume spans the Dark Medieval World. Normally, vampires can only seal the wounds they inflict when feeding by licking them closed. You are not really given any special credit for doing it, but if you were to stop you would lose much of its respect. (CB: NOS1), Drug Resistance You are unusually resistant to drugs. The entirety of your life has been training to be an Inquisitor, a warrior for the Society of Leopold. However, one can never count upon a guardian angel. Your enemy has been blackening your name, and as a result you find that all dealings with the Unconquered are at +1 difficulty. (PGS), Marhime (Ravnos) You have committed some grievous crime against the Rom, and are now shunned by their families (including the Ravnos). Stereotype can be very fun too, if fitting the tone of the chronicle. (CB:Tor1), Scales (1 - 3 Flaw) During your Embrace, a portion of your skin became scales. It's a little V20, a little DA: Vampire, and a little bit of other stuff here and there. Unless otherwise stated, those without a dot rating usually vary between 1-5 dots. You must be fed every two weeks, rather than every month, or lose all supernatural traits and revert to a human once more. A one-point Flaw is fairly noticeable, like a slight blue cast to your skin, bright red hair, pointed ears or eyes of a very unusual color. Rising Star Youre one of the up and comers in your city, a rising star in the Camarillas firmament. You may gain Glamour normally as any kinain would, but you will not have any initial Glamour to use for cantrips or Fae Gifts, making it unlikely you would have learned much about either (unless you have a gift that does not require Glamour to use). (ELY), Disgraced (Banu Haqim) You broke the laws of the Khabar at some point during your training, and though you have since prevent yourself from being destroyed on the spot, and to be grudgingly accepted as a rafiq, your name still bears the stain of your misdeed. Even better, you heal more quickly. Many will believe you to possess great power (regardless of the truth), and will be appropriately respectful of you. (CB:S). Although you never deliberately do anything to harm yourself, you do tend to hinder yourself at awkward times. (INQ), Extremist Group The character has both Influence over and Contacts within an extremist group of some sort. 5-pt are grossly disabling or emotionally crippling - everything from useless atrophied legs to a permanent Derangement, decided on mutually by the player and the Storyteller. This childe is loyal, and often serves as both an information font and protection. In the absence of a sire, he becomes what he believes himself to be, 'Hollywood-itis,' the belief that one has the powers and limitations of one of the several movie vampires, is the most common form. MERITS & FLAWS Merits and Flaws represent inherent weakness or aptitudes of a person's greater character. Things you say tend to come true. You may consider this two points that can be added to Pack Recognition. (PGS), Foul Blood Your blood tastes truly awful. (INQ). In times of great need you may be supernaturally protected. This bonus does not apply towards casual foes, only blood enemies. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your Mentor. You are always competing with this individual, either for fun or out of spite. Vicissitude 3 (Bonecraft) can be used to forcibly cause them to shrink, but the process is painful and the fangs will return the next night. A more severe manifestation (possibly worth more points to the Storyteller) is a Gangrel who believes himself a Lupine. Features new and updated player options, including a brutal new system for Koldunic . These dice may only be used on yourself. Prestigious Sire Your sire has or had great status in her sect or clan, and this has accorded you with a certain amount of prestige. The heart might be in the possession of a foe, or simply missing. These creatures crawl and hide among the creases and folds of your skin despite your best efforts to remove them. You receive two extra dice on Rotschreck rolls. They seek either to remove you entirely from your diet and/or domitor's influence, or to kill you as a favor to your corrupted soul. The parasites also drink from one to four of your Blood Points each night (roll a die and divide by three, rounding up). You must score one extra success to do damage with a bite, and once you have locked your teeth into your prey, you automatically cause the victim one additional Health level of damage for every two Blood Points taken (you have to chew and chew and chew). ImpatientYou have no patience for standing around and waiting. Perhaps the character knows that the prince is an Infernal Diablorist or that the primogen are actually all Sabbat. Every effort is being made to recruit you, willing or no, and the press gangs usually show up at the worst possible time. Although such holdings are often ancient castles, museums, and the like, they can also be specially prepared apartment complexes, mountain lodges, old churches, etc. During the waxing moon you are pleasant and more focused on your tasks. The exact nature of this Flaw should be worked into the elder character's memoirs.(ELY). When disturbed in your manse by an uninvited guest, you must make a Self-Control or Instincts roll (difficulty 7) to avoid a frenzy. (PGS). You often come across as cold and utterly without feeling, but what is that to you? Pack Punishment You are bound by some special punishment imposed on you by your pack for doing something in opposition to pack rules. You won't get canonized just for this. The vampire has the power to protect the character from most threats. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. They will thwart any and all plans the character has if they are near by. Because of this, all Appearance-based rolls receive two extra bonus dice, as well as a -1 Difficulty rating to seduction-based Appearance rolls, too. If you do something wrong and the act is not easily attributed to you, it will most likely be blamed on someone else. Other reasons why you might be Beholden include: someone has dirt on you; you borrowed money from them; they did you a favor; they saved the life of someone important to you; they kept you (or a loved one) from suffering some horrible fate. The "Revised Merits and Flaws Compendium" is precisely the weapon that your characters will need to protect themselves from the Jyhad, that your take advantage from the unprepared and break them all. The years have left you in their wake and the world has been remade in your absence. (Cb:L1), Inbred (1 - 5 Flaw) A common occurrence among the incestuous Giovanni clan, inbreeding can take many forms, and this Flaw is best discussed with the Storyteller before a player takes it for her character. You, of course, are immune. In addition to the potential for inhuman power, your character has some miraculous capability tied to that Attribute. Any diabolist who tastes it will lust after it. You may have gifted them with favors or material items sometime in the distant past, or just last week, but they now owe you a debt. Such bonds can be same sex or opposite sex, and there is no way to predict who your twin will be. (CB:G1), Inconnu Associate The character is friends with another Kindred who belongs to the Inconnu. Power levels of samadji vary greatly; a one to two merit samadji might reduce target numbers on certain actions. You both know many of each other's secrets and this has caused a stalemate thus far, but you are concerned that your ex-paramour may interfere in your affairs at some time in the future. Design your Samadji with the Storyteller, who will assign a final value to it. The damage done is Standard Brawling damage, only it is considered aggravated against supernaturals. You are already capable of controlling yourself far better than most Kindred and have a number of dice equal to your rating in this Merit that you may add to your rolls to resist Frenzy. Instead, your aura reflects some deeper aspect of your Nature or personality. Then again, you may have a visions as you are walking down the street minding your own business. (PGS), Stench Few Nosferatu smell good, but you reach a new nadir of odiferousness. There may be a reason for this reputation, or it might arise simply from a case of maligned reputation, or you might have been set up by one of the Kindred (particularly the anarchs, who love to do this kind of thing to Inquisitors). While you cannot derive any nourishment from eating regular foods, this ability will serve you well in maintaining the Masquerade. Additional Discipline definitely has its appeal, I admit. You may ignore rules regarding how Humanity/Path restricts the number of dice available during the day. Even the most cold-hearted are not immune to your power. (CB:L1), Heartless Having removed your heart via the fifth level of Serpentis, you have lost it. With Storyteller approval Wraith characters can take Merits and Flaws form other Mind's Eye Theatre source books, as many of these are appropriate to the venue. The value of the Flaw determines how powerful these enemies are. Likewise, your Marijava friend may call upon you for help occasionally. Disciplined Eye With a point each of blood and Willpower and a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6), you may force your third eye closed for a full scene. In addition, you constantly find yourself in heartbreaking positions, perhaps you subconsciously lead yourself into those situations to acquire the experience you need for your work. The character gains respect as the Keeper of Elysium which she controls. (CB:Tor1), Blood Flaw Immunity (Ghoul) For some reason, you are resistant to the bloodline flaws of any vampire form whom you drink. You turned traitor on the Camarilla, Followers of Set, or some other vampire group. The Storyteller creates this character, but should not reveal any information to you beyond that warranted by the two characters' acquaintance. (PGS), Mark of the Blood [Kinain] (1-5 Flaw) Your fae heritage manifests itself in some obvious physical characteristic based on your heritage. Symbol IndependenceThe use of True Faith against a supernatural creature typically requires use of a holy symbol. Perhaps your eyes are unusually vivid, or uncannily colored, or incredibly trusting and inviting theyre distinct, regardless, so you might as well make use of em. Some visions may be precognitive, while others might be warnings or advice. This is an intelligence roll (difficulty 10 - the Kindred's Status). Your bite does one additional die of damage, and you may add one to your Intimidation Dice Pool. Add two dice to all social rolls in such circumstances. (ELY), Phralmulo (Ravnos) You were Embraced from within the Rom, from one of the families of power. Your rival occasionally gets the best of you, but you do the same to him. The Vinculum scores between you and your enemy are automatically zero, and will never increase no matter how many time you partake of the Vaulderie together. (INQ), Lazy You are simply lazy. Depending upon your reputation, you might simply be scorned (and don't expect anyone to help you), or you may be hated outright, even as much as the supernaturals. Their books and page numbers are listed for your convenience. (ELY), Unbondable (Ghoul) You cannot be Blood Bound to a vampire, no matter how often you drink from his veins. Acute Sense of Smell: (1 pt) You have an exceptionally keen sense of smell. The player may aks the Storyteller one question about the target for every success, and the Storyteller must provide accurate information. Generally speaking, you're a szlachta, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flow: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p.19). The modifier is determined by the rating of this flaw. The number and magnitude of such debts and to whom they are owed determine the rating of the Flaw. Vicissitude Modifications (Ghoul) Although you may not be talented at the Tzimisce forms of fleshcrafting and boneshaping, at some point you have been modified into a more warlike form.
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