They said her comments were baseless, inappropriate and undermining of the criminal justice system and warned there was no place for the claims. On Telegram, for example, where he has now amassed more than 24,000 followers, Evans shares a constant stream of conspiracy theories, including posts linked to QAnon. The wellness industry, she warned, with its focus on alternative health practices and mistrust of the government, was playing a key role in mainstreaming something that was previously confined to the fringes of the internet. Learn how your comment data is processed. Serene Teffaha becomes Australia's "Lin Wood" as establishment attacks Thanks to Serenes tenacity and love for her clients, their confidentiality and privacy has not been breached. ABN 30 735 541 158, Copyright 2021 Advocate Me. had she rejected the alteration OFFER to her contract within 72 hours she may have retained her foreign agent Bar Club status. Thank you. Some cases in the Family are complicated by issues surrounding vaccination consent and informed choice, particularly where there is a parent who is concerned about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. The Morning Edition newsletter is our guide to the days most important and interesting stories, analysis and insights. All rights reserved. I will not participate in their ambush. But it wouldnt be the first time the actor has waded into the murky depths of Australias conspiracy ecosystem. Indeed, Fernandez has shown a keen entrepreneurial zeal throughout the pandemic. In August last year, Matt Lawson, a Melbourne-based conspiracy theorist and anti-5G activist linked to the group that helped organise the citys anti-lockdown protests last year, held one of his regular YouTube gabfests. The 'winter shot': Everything you need to know about getting your next COVID-19 booster, If you catch COVID again, will your symptoms be worse? The former celebrity chef Pete Evans was there, wondering aloud why the only politician talking about the immune system during Covid-19 was the US president Donald Trump: Hes talked about zinc, hes talked about sunlight, and hes been ridiculed for it.. On Monday The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the watchdog had written to Ms Teffaha in March to provide her with a notice of proposed cancellation of practising certificate. 1856, View our extensive video library on RMBLE by clicking the picture or link, PLEASE ,,,, use this encryption for whistleblower information or similar, Do Not send comments or general chit chat go to contact on the menu bar .Thank you,, Click on the picture above to read all our publications about Port Arthur, APRadio, You need to read this factual inquiry of 70 year old farmer Ruth Downey who has her cattle slaughtered by the RSPCA and the nursing calves left without their mothers, NO FOOD. Human. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, querying the Domain Name System (DNS) for the recipients domain location information failed. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. According to documents tendered to the Supreme Court, the VLSB cancelled Ms Teffaha's licence on April 14after an investigation. On his personal Facebook page, which has almost 10,000 followers, he flits between long screeds about vaccinations and claims that Covid-19 is a hoax to selling products that he claims protect users from electromagnetic fields that conspiracy theorists believe are emitted by 5G towers. If we can help to turn it around we will, otherwise our children will have nothing. and as you are this day Photograph: Daniel Pockett/AAP A lawyer who has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Victorian government on behalf of public housing tower residents who were shut inside their homes during Melbourne's 2020 Covid . In February Evans hosted a 90-minute vodcast with then Liberal Party MP Craig Kelly, himself a frequent and unapologetic disseminator of conspiracy material, in which he implored the government not to make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory or coerced. Not bad for just 25 Million people in the hands of a corrupt, duopoly system of government. Why are we not allowed a voice to be heard? According to a tweet from Lawson, the actor was Isabel Lucas, the former Home and Away and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen star. Yoga teacher Seane Corn has warned that QAnon is recruiting in the wellness community. '. I am a practicing solicitor with previous qualifications in business administration and marketing. This is unheard of. Despite this permission being given to her as a paid agent, the VLSB is exceedingly threatened by her activities to affect change and support and are desperate to stop her being a helper of the people, even when she legitimately gets permission to do so. On Thursday, Ms Teffaha labelled the boards decision as unlawful and said her clients do not accept any government regulator intervention. This is what your government doesnt want you to know about. NSW paramedic John Edward Larter collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from donors online to challenge the vaccination mandate and now faces being liable for paying the legal costs of the NSW state government after losing the case. The de jure still exists, but it has been overlaid by the de facto, and the people have been induced to abandon the de jure and use the de facto. Serene does not want to be distracted by her personal battles, given that is the clear intention of the VLSB, as the statutory authority acting on behalf of the corrupt Victorian Government. Ordinarily the clients action would continue. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. The funds are therefore not being held unlawfully, a spokesman said. Serene Teffaha Principal Lawyer. A month after the anonymous actors appearance on the YouTube channel, Lucas revealed in a podcast that she had opted out of a Covid-19 test while filming the movie Bosch & Rockit in Byron Bay to maintain my own health, despite it being a mandatory condition of working on the production. I am an Australian citizen from birth. I am a specialist in the government's vaccination policies and my goal is to help Australians improve their health options. Teffahas rhetoric during the pandemic helped to make her a cause clbre among the anti-lockdown activists who have emerged during the pandemic. Human Rights, Public & Administrative Law, Whistleblower & Student Protections, Family Law, Tax Litigation and Dispute resolution. Divine Law cannot be written or created, only instructed by Divine Grace in accordance with these canons. This is an exempt document under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and may be an exempt record under the Archives Act 1983. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass found the governments decision to immediately lock down the towers violated the human rights of tenants, who were not given a chance to prepare for restrictions, while the rest of the state was given a chance to prepare for restrictions. How the wellness and influencer crowd serve conspiracies to the masses Against the instructions of all her clients, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia facilitated, without any Court Orders, the transfer of the client trust funds into the hands of Jacob Uljans without their consent or knowledge and in the absence of any complaints against Serene. The guests were mostly the usual crowd. Serene is currently under attack by the Victorian Legal Services Board, for her legal practitioner license. Of the form and characteristics of man. But I feel 100% called to speak to this topic because its about speaking the truth and shining a light on the reality of whats really going on.. They have established a process whereby clients will be able to seek refunds of their money if they provide evidence in support of their claims.. There is no law, other than the Common Law. Wood has evidence to back up his whistle blowing and has filed it in a US court. neither the approach nor the laws of state or federal jurisdictions. As a point of interest; Judge Hempel has quite an incriminating public record and reputation that can be easily discovered by anyone wishing to research her. But, she says, there is also a more cynical play for attention in an economy that is built around personal branding. Here's how likely you are to get it more than once, Charting the COVID-19 spread: Australia passes 10,000 coronavirus deaths. In Australia, Teffahas Victorian and national class actions are right in the face of that manufactured story that is driving a full-frontal assault on basic rights and freedoms.Wood, one of Americas most prominent defamation lawyers, has managed to fight off efforts by the State Bar of Georgia to have his law license revoked, but Teffaha has already been dealt that blow by the cowards who inhabit the legal, political and banking establishment.In a post on Telegram Tara Garozzo, a Brisbane candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party said this is what happens to anyone who challenges the corruption in our Australian system and what they will do to protect themselves and their high-end thugs. She said her previous activism included advocating for survivors of child sexual abuse and family violence, government transparency and whistleblowers. What a travesty! Hi Editer Thanks for helping Serene. I will be with you until the end of the case. Those conducting the gang stalking have moved into my current shared house in order to gain direct access to me and harass me. restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. Serene Teffaha, the founder and Principal of AdvocateMe, has been operating a legal practice and Advocacy service since 2016. They have not only cancelled Serenes licence but now recently the Commonwealth Bank of Australia has seized Serenes trust fund a trust fund that the people of Australia have kindly donated so that she can continue her work of taking down this corruption. Between them, they have collected more than $1 million in legal funds for challenges that have changed neither the approach nor the laws of state or federal jurisdictions. The Melbourne-based lawyer, Serene Teffaha, who during the pandemic has appeared at anti-lockdown rallies and on YouTube with conspiracists such as the former celebrity chef Pete Evans, last week filed a class-action lawsuit in Victorias supreme court on behalf of the residents. Form. Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. It became a career path, suddenly. National cabinet encourages wearing masks to combat COVID-19. She later wrote on Instagram: I have concerns about mandatory vaccination, not vaccination itself. In December the Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass found the Andrews government breached the residents human rights by suddenly imposing the lockdown without warning and caused much trauma among residents. We might end up going to like um, whats it called, like, I dont know, going in front of schools or something like that, like primary schools, and just handing them out to the parents after school, Fernandez said while filming himself placing the sheets in letterboxes with his girlfriend in February. That which is legal has been formed by man. Our investigations show there is no 'government' of the people for the people of Australia. A senior member of the Family Court of Australia, deputy principal registrar Virginia Wilson, sent a letter to the Victorian Legal Services Board in January about Ms Teffahas conduct in a family law case when Justice Kirsty Marion Macmillan took the unusual step of restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. Since April 2021, Serene has been fighting the actions of the Victorian Legal Services Board and the Manager they have appointed, Jacob Uljans from Hall and Wilcox. I run public seminars and am a key note speaker at conferences on the Australian government's vaccination policies. Our Morning Edition newsletter is a curated guide to the most important and interesting stories, analysis and insights. For the record | VLSBC This is a role that he relinquished on 30th March, 2021. All rights Reserved. Legal is defined asthe undoing of Gods law (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893). Then shall the Dean of Westminster bring the Sceptre with the Cross and the Rod with the Dove to the Archbishop. James 4:12 There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another. My Story. The class action has not yet been listed for a hearing date. By TONY MOBILIFONITIS Victoria Police move against Serene's unhinged stalker 'Lucky Lance' Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups: ( "I've had my mailbox broken. That was a big boost for Teffahas class action. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia View. "These people have been assaulted by police. The Melbourne-based lawyer, Serene Teffaha, who during the pandemic has appeared at anti-lockdown rallies and on YouTube with conspiracists such as the former celebrity chef Pete Evans,. For January 1973 the debt clock was at $458, 231,678,732 with just 13.4 million people. (modern). Littered throughout them are hashtags such as #wealth, #success, #ambition and #entrepreneurship. The recording captured the bemused staffer asking Lawson to leave the pamphlets at the door, before he wandered away. My immune system has just become so solid from my way of life, how I live and eat and think, she said. That prompted a magistrate to lodge a complaint, not against child trafficking, but Teffaha, for making submissions that may be prejudicial to or diminish the public confidence in the administration of justice. Earlier iterations of the group had as many as 80,000 members. One of those leaders is Raphael Fernandez. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Instead of releasing this person to seek medical attention, she was thrown against a wall by one of the police officers. Although she called Trump a divider and said she literally left Hollywood because he came to power, she said she found the video fascinating. Ms Teffaha rose to prominence as a member of anti-lockdown campaigns. As envisioned; Judge Hampel provided a contradictory judgment, purporting that Serene is a risk to public interest despite not having one client complaint against her. Qantas has announced a new CEO to take over from Alan Joyce. Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Its a trend that experts are increasingly familiar with. A lawyer who collected more than $654,000 for various legal challenges to COVID-19 vaccine mandates has asked supporters to stop requesting refunds and making complaints after the money was seized by the legal watchdog. These people have been assaulted by agents who work for the government they do not want anything to be known to him," she said. you may reign with him who is the King of Kings, Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. Members are seeking damages for false imprisonment, battery, assault, negligence, aggravated and exemplary damages and costs, as well as declarations that the state government and police actions were unlawful. Watchdog cancels licence of lawyer leading tower lockdown lawsuit. I have also attached information about the role of this Office in reviewing the activities of the Australian intelligence community to give independent assurance to government; and other steps that may be useful for you to take to resolve your concerns. To that extent I feel a little grubby because I became a little bit of a mentor to these people. An independent Manager, Mr Jacob Uljans, has been appointed to take over professional and operational responsibilities for her law practice Advocate Me. Our Story | Advocate Me
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melbourne lawyer serene teffaha 2023