For 45% of Italian listeners musical programs are their preferred podcast format, just after news programs. Unmatched sales lead-generation and advertising analytics. In Apples annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) in 2018, the company said there were over 555,000 podcasts, including 525,000 active podcasts. These podcast stats show trends related to listeners everyday habits and routines. Pre-roll and mid-roll ads are the most popular types of ads. That number dropped by half after he went exclusively to Spotify, indicating a drop in listeners. Rogan has pledged to balance out his future shows on subjects related to the COVID-19 pandemic, among other topics (per CNN). As per the latest survey, 57% U.S. consumers listen podcasts and 78% of them are familiar with this medium. His show is Spotify's most popular podcast. Eli Yokley is a senior data reporter at Morning Consult covering politics and campaigns. According to JRE Library, a website that chronicles guest appearances on Rogans podcast, politicians have been the featured interview on just 11 of his nearly 1,800 episodes, including three appearances by former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, two by Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas and one each by Sanders and Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang ahead of the 2020 presidential primary. It quickly rose to the top of Spotify's podcast rankings after its debut. The same demographic makes up 44% of monthly US consumers. Participants indicate which podcasts they listened to in the past week along with a variety of demographic, psychographic, and purchase behavior information. A study by Edison Research of 8,000 podcast listeners found that the "Joe Rogan Experience" landed at the top of the most popular podcast list throughout Q3 2020 and Q2 2021, as Digital Music News reports. With the platform's single best-performing podcast . What does that translate to as far as per-episode listenership? The average age of his listeners was 24. for generating the level of attention and money that landed the long shot on the presidential debate stage a sign of the value in talking to Rogans massive audience. Even though podcast earnings are not publicly available, here's a ballpark of how much money popular podcasts make: The Joe Rogan Experience earns around $800,000 per episode and an additional $16,500 to $264,000 per month on YouTube. This information will not be of any use if you dont know who listens to what types of podcasts. A total of 1,023 different people have appeared as podcast guests on The Joe Rogan Experience. Podcasts dont have any set rules. With an average episode duration of 2hrs 32min 56. He has a 50% share of the company as well. 22% stated that podcast ads are "way too numerous" compared to other media. The total number of episodes is 1770 a few days back. The Joe Rogan Experience brings in millions of listeners -- Rogan claims to reach nearly 190 million downloads . The Dave Ramsey Show draws in a slightly younger crowd averaging 31 years old and is much closer to the mean on exclusivity and number of podcasts per listener. In addition, Dave Ramseys Single audience is over double Dr. Phils at 29% but still far below the survey rate of 42%. 6. On Patreon, Chapo Trap House earns over $140k/month, True Crime Obsessed $54k, Last Podcast on the Left $55k, Cum Town $49k, and Tiny Meat Gang $52k. THAT is why the media and liberal establishment needs to savage him as some hateful right-winger: he doesnt conform. Let's now see what the statistics have to say. Leans right is just early appetizer. As a result, a media firestorm has ensued around both the podcast and the Spotify streaming service (per The Guardian). Social media rewards with likes. "If you had BTS or Taylor Swift pull off a Spotify you might see some different level of response," Bill Werde, director of the Bandier Program for Recording and Entertainment Industries at Syracuse University's S.I. In contrast, Young attracts nearly 6,027,000. Rogans biggest strength is that in the main he represents the average person on the street; in holding conflicting views, attitude and complexity of character/beliefs. 48% of Americans who listen to podcasts are between 12 and 34 years old. Joe Rogan could easily be considered a podcasting icon in the industry. Werde said given that Spotify has invested heavily in Rogan, offering him a $100 million exclusivity deal, it's unlikely the platform would take any steps to move away from its number one podcaster, especially as it looks to differentiate its service from competitor like Apple music by providing content that can only be found on its site. As you can see, the vast majority of guests have been male, 88% vs 11% female. You can learn more about your listeners online to help you create a better podcasting experience. In the United States, the country with the highest number of podcast listeners worldwide, an . Despite the (mostly) online opprobrium, those on the left who havent shunned Rogan see an opportunity in such debates. While podcasting is a popular medium in the United States, it does not hold the top spot for listenership or growth. According to Spotify, Rogan has "stimulated new user additions, activated first-time podcast listeners, and [has] driven favorable engagement trends, including vodcast consumption." 33.2% of respondents have listened to a podcast on a smart speaker. Or rather, hell just sound like a complicated, normal person. You need to understand the demographics of your listeners in order to produce a podcast that is successful. Would you rather see all these reduced to a user pays capitalist model? Joe Rogan's renowned podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, reportedly reaches an average of 11 million people per episode. If a human being is not considered a complex system, Im not sure where reality lies. Miller, who now writes for The Bulwark, a center-right and anti-Donald Trump publication, said Rogan is far from a partisan hack like the conservative media personalities shunned by many Democrats. The number of podcast listeners has increased by 29.5% over the past three years. Jeb Bushs 2016 presidential campaign, said the group is the very demographic Democrats need to be worried about, noting concerns about maintaining the level of support President Joe Biden received in 2020 with white men with heterodox political views and stopping attrition from voters of color, especially Hispanics. The first thing that stands out is that theyre heavily male 72% of the avid fans are men compared to just 42% of the non-fans. How many monthly listeners does Joe Rogan get on Spotify? JRE attracts an estimated 11 million viewers per episode with Rogan posting four to five episodes a week that can last up to three hours long. It is used by 85.7% podcasters. Joe Rogan's podcast gets 11 million listeners per episode. 33.2% of respondents have listened to a podcast on a smart speaker. In Sanders interview, he answered Rogans conversational questions about universal health care and the influence of money in politics, praising the longform mediums opportunity to talk about an agenda in more than 12 seconds in contrast to debates or the traditional television interview. The number of Spotify users aged 12-24 increased by 21% between 2018 and 2019. Podcast listeners grew 16% YoY in 2020, surpassing 100 million listeners. But she noted that the Vermonter wasnt alone in the 2020 field in attempting to reach the celebritys audience. You can use podcast listener behavior to help you improve your content and increase audience engagement. 21.9K monthly listeners. This is the second anniversary of the Podcast Consumer Tracker, and the top shows have been fairly consistent over that time. Privacy Policy, Joe Rogan's Reading List & Recommended Books, Documentaries Mentioned on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast, Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Equipment & Studio Setup. So apparently they arent eschewing it at all. The top three podcasts, The Joe Rogan Experience, The Daily, and Crime Junkie, also ranked in 1-2-3 order in the Top 50 Podcasts of 2020. The popular podcast's influence is waning under . Rogan has continued to make contentious and insensitive comments about transgender people, and his latest controversy centers on his elevation of and sympathetic questions to vaccine skeptics, prompting online outrage that he was leading his audience down an anti-science path. Podcasts have been used by 10 million more Americans in just one year. Another podcast study found that 38% listen to podcasts via Apple Podcast Service. This isnt rocket science. Joe Rogan's. Check out Joe Rogan's reasons for hosting the podcast below: Many fans were upset by Rogan's exclusive deal with Spotify. Other podcasting platforms ranked in order of popularity. In early 2022, musicians such as Neil Young and Joni Mitchell removed their music from Spotify in protest of the statements and claims about the pandemic made by a recent Joe Rogan guest, which the artists in question as well as scientific and medical professionals deemed irresponsible and untrue. The top shows based on measurement from Q3 2020 Q2 2021 are as follows: Scroll down to see the Top 50 list. About. This is 2% more than in 2020. I dont think so.. Later in the article though, the only people who would actually know people at the Sanders campaign say, Every presidential candidate was begging to go on everybody wants to go on his show. They also pay more attention to digital ads on social networks. Podcasts are becoming more popular for both men and women (outside of the entire US population). About 11 million people, per Newsweek. To participate in a show like Rogans requires confidence in ones position, said Gray, now a co-host of the podcast Bad Faith. Not all series are created for the same audience. Tim Miller, who ran communications for former Florida Gov. Because our research covers the entire space, regardless of publisher or listening application, we have been able to report that stability even as the space continues to evolve, said Edison Research SVP Tom Webster. Joe Rogan's apology on Sunday saw the podcaster vow to "try harder" and "do my best to balance things out" after the host faced public backlash for circulating COVID-19 misinformation on his Spotify show The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE). Hosted by stand-up comedian, actor, and TV personality Joe Rogan, the theme of the show is to engage purported experts on wide-ranging topics that, in Rogan's view, are often neglected by the media mainstream if not actively suppressed. If the Democrats arent going to go to working-class voters, Republicans will, and they do, and thats what happens on a lot of these types of shows, said Briahna Joy Gray, who worked as national press secretary for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign. Joe Rogan has completely disrupted the legacy media. 82.4% of people listen to podcasts for more than 7 hours each week. You will need the right topic, audience, and equipment to create your podcast. 22.1% inquire fom their friends for suggestions and 14.5% receive advices from their favorite hosts on podcast. Barstool Sports made $15 million from 25 podcasts in 2018 (Digiday), SoundCloud (15.2%), Anchor (10%), Libsyn (8.5%), PodOMatic (6.8%), Podbean (5%) are the most popular, Anchor (14.7%), SoundCloud (12.5%), Libsyn (9.5%), Podbean (7.2%), Spreaker (3.2%), Buzzsprout (2.9%) are the most popular hosting platforms for new podcasts. So apparently they arent eschewing it at all. In this, she sees a challenge for the left: Many on that side of the aisle know theres a right position that theyre eager to take even without understanding why it is, leaving them ill-prepared for deep discussions. 1 slot globally. "The Joe Rogan Experience" was a controversial podcast even before it was given an exclusive contract from Spotify for $100 million, as Variety reports. the majority of avid fans are white (64%) Edison Research has been the sole provider of Election Day data to the National Election Pool for 17 years, conducting exit polls since 2004, and collecting real-time vote results in all 50 states to project and analyze results for every major presidential primary and general election. Spotifys Joe Rogan encourages "healthy" young people not to get a coronavirus vaccine. Every presidential candidate was begging to go on, she said. 49% of podcast listening takes place at home. The top 10 shows by audience for 2020 are as follows: Edison Research. 73% listen to podcasts from their smartphones. "The podcast is moving to Spotify," Rogan . TRUE CRIME: Dedicated and highly educated female listeners are driving growth by consuming multiple podcasts within the genre. Spotify and Pandora are the two main podcasting platforms in America. Spotify's main attraction Rogan's economic model of accumulating young male listeners, who make up a good chunk of his 11 million listeners per episode, is particularly. What is the percent of the podcast listeners? Back here in reality, if you want to make it look like most Americans dont like Joe Rogan then you set up a push poll in which you ask people if they are fans or not a fan at all and thus force everyone who doesnt know/doesnt care to say theyre not a fan. JRE debuted on Spotify on September 1, 2020, and became exclusive to the service in December. Around 66% Consumers in the present, opt for Podcast as compared to TV. As the saying goes, both sides of a coin are equal, because one is not without the other, so it is only logical to use the more obvious option and get more value for your time invested. If youre not familiar with the overall survey results, take a look at the Top 25 podcast responses here. Andy is joined by Dan to take a look through some news stories including; Reaction & fallout from last weeks UAP hearings James Fox on Joe Rogan this week John Ramirez comments on F2B Skinwalker Ranch anomaly And more. 10. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. First paragraph of their article: Politicians, especially Democrats, have largely eschewed appearances on Joe Rogans chart-topping Spotify podcast, where the elevation of bigoted rhetoric and COVID-19 denialism has thrust him into the center of Americas cultural and political fissures. Is Joe Rogan shrinking? Some of it is in the so obscure, I didnt know I was interested in this bracket. Politicians, especially Democrats, have largely eschewed appearances on Joe Rogans chart-topping Spotify podcast, where the elevation of bigoted rhetoric and COVID-19 denialism has thrust him into the center of Americas cultural and political fissures. Despite facing much-publicized criticism and grappling with several censorship-related controversies, the Spotify-exclusive Joe Rogan Experience remained the most popular podcast in the U.S.. The #1 listened-to podcast worldwide - Joe Rogan Experience - has a total length of 4,608 hours (excluding sponsored ad reads). In a conversation with comedian Dave Smith, Joe Rogan said: Be the first one to comment on this story. While its true that avid Rogan fans are less likely than nonfans to have received COVID-19 vaccines, the survey found that the majority of them (55 percent) have received their shots. Dr. Phils Phil in the Blanks listeners were the least likely to listen to other podcasts and had the highest average age at 38 years old. A podcast must have at least 5k podcast downloads per episode to be attractive to advertisers. However, weve heard there are over 1 million podcast RSS feeds. According to the findings, one in ten Americans consider themselves to be avid fans and further two in ten describe themselves as casual fans. Please logout and login again. There is also 10% of other ethnicities. A study by Edison Research of 8,000 podcast listeners found that the "Joe Rogan Experience" landed at the top of the most popular podcast list throughout Q3 2020 and Q2 2021, as Digital Music News reports. These are some predictions for the industry in 2022 and beyond. The revenue generated out of the advertisement of podcasts is predicted to go up more than one billion dollars in 2021. Podcasting can be a powerful marketing tool for small businesses and big brands alike. (Photo Illustration by Cindy Ord/Getty Images). Fifty seven percent of his audience reports earning over $50k per year, with 19% making over $100k. No White House official has been dispatched to rebuff such talk in Rogans studio in Austin, Texas, but he did give time to CNNs on-air COVID-19 expert, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, for a discussion. The Edison Research Top 50 Podcasts of 2021 list is derived from data collected continuously from Q3 2020 Q2 2021, from surveying weekly podcast consumers ages 18 and older in the U.S. He said he is solely focused on finding out the truth and that's why prefers talking to various people with differing opinions on the same subject. 27% of monthly listeners have at least some college education. 60% of podcast listeners have purchased something via a podcast ad. Edison Research is the leading podcast research company in the world and has conducted research on the medium for NPR, Wondery, PodcastOne, Slate, Spotify, Stitcher/Midroll, ESPN, WNYC Studios, and many more companies in the space. The average number of podcasts consumed in the last week among weekly podcast listeners has stayed at, More than half (53%) of monthly Spotify users aged 12-24 report being monthly podcast listeners, up 32% last year. , a website that chronicles guest appearances on Rogans podcast, politicians have been the featured interview on just 11 of his nearly 1,800 episodes, including three appearances by former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, two by Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas and one each by Sanders and Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang ahead of the 2020 presidential primary. However, the channel would lose its top spot if the Joe Rogan Experience was included on the chart. If Democrats and Republicans cant speak on their behalf, then we can expect an increasingly influential voice for those who can. The results are then coded and analyzed to ascertain the genre, network, and sales representation for each podcast. I dont know that everybody is capable of going on, but if youre a Democrat thats capable of defending your position who believes in vaccines and trans rights go on Joe Rogan and say that. An estimated 68 million listen to podcasts weekly, up 2 points from 22% in 2019 to 24% for 2020. The relative audience size of each podcast network is then calculated and expressed as the percentage of weekly podcast listeners . And you should definitely not describe them as a business intelligence company. Digging into the two True Crime podcasts in the top 5, listeners of Crime Junkie and My Favorite Murder reported listening to a higher than average 4.6 and 3.6 podcasts respectively. Legendary musicians Neil Young, right, and Joni Mitchell have removed their music from Spotify in protest of Joe Rogan's podcast. Experts expect podcasting to increase in popularity in 2022, as more people listen to on-demand audio. Rogan fans lean heavily Republican, but almost half didnt vote for Donald Trump in 2020. his audience leans Right in all honesty, I wonder if what this really means is : his audience likes candour and plain speaking! In addition to this high rate of consumption, listeners of both shows averaged at least 2 True Crime podcasts within their responses. The Top 50 Most Listened to Podcasts in the U.S. Q2 2021,,, The Latino Podcast Listener Report 2021 en espaol. 81% of respondents say that ads are more important than radio commercials, TV ads, billboards, or television ads. As JBP would say, Yes, that is exactly right. Follow The Joe Rogan Clips show page for some of the best moments from the episodes. Four transgender guests have also made appearances on the JRE. He just speaks his mind, is curious about the world around him, is an expert on just a couple of issues, and isnt always looking over his shoulder looking for kudos or worrying about the cool kids shunning him. Rogan's $100 million contract, it seems, was money well spent. According to forecasts, the total number of podcast listeners will surpass 160,000,000 by 2023. 19% of people discover podcasts via YouTube the most. They didn't stop Tucker, they unleashed him. The North part of America and Asia Pacific have the highest listening rates. This week, we take a deeper dive into the listeners of the top 5 podcasts from our podcast survey. 46% of the avid fans are aged between 18 and 34, and a further 23% between 35 and 44. However, an indexing tool counted over 800,000 podcasts on Apple as of December 2019. His podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," is the most popular podcast on Spotify, itself one of the most popular audio platforms available. But lets not forget that Rush Limbaugh garnered between 15-20 million weekly listeners during his career and was unapologetically conservative. Though Joe Rogan rejects Right and Left labels for himself, his audience leans Right with 46% of this avid fans identifying as Republicans (and just 23% as Democrats). There are small differences between the average avid Rogan fan and nonfan when it comes to household income, though nearly 7 in 10 adults in both groups have no college education.
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joe rogan podcast listener demographics 2023