You wont find it in many nurseries, so you may have to shop around if you want to add it to your home. SHOPMy Etsy!! You are not likely to mistake your wayetii or kentiana for a green bean plant, Im fairly confident about that. This is why it could only best thrive and tolerate conditions where the temperature is at 15-30 degress Celsius (59-86 degrees Fahrenheit ). You can tell the difference from the pedicels. In this article, well discuss what you need to know about Hoya Wayetii Care so that your Hoya will continue to thrive! Either of these methods would help raise the moisture in the air around your hoya. You can download his actual work on sections here, but let me tell you from experience, its a tedious read. Here's the flowers on my EA with a Kentiana label puglvr, yes, this is the wayetii. This will prevent fertilizer burns. Then, with the next watering, Ill fertilize. Hoya Wayetii plants are a great choice for anyone who wants to keep their house or office feeling bright and vibrant, as these plants can survive in low-light conditions. Often trained to trail as a hanging basket piece, the Hoya wayetii works wonders as an indoor hanging plant. I also recently acquired a Dischidia (a fasciated form of acuminata) with the same long, thin leaves, and have been growing Dischidiopsis paristica for awhile, whose leaves are much like H. shepherii but much more delicate. It also does not have as much branching in comparison with Kentianas many branches which come off from large stems that can be found at both ends of it. The most common problem with Hoya Wayetii is over-watering. Simply fill a jar with water at room temperature. Hoya kentianaalso grew incredibly well and it will do well as a hanging basket plant in a window, implying that no extra attention is necessary. The Hoya wayetii is not a fast grower. These leaves are green in color with brownish edges which become bright in intense light. The foliage can be plain, variegated, crinkled, or otherwise textured. Because Hoya kentiana plants are more succulent, they should root easily. Poisonous Plants In Virginia: Pretty But Deadly. The length of the vine can grow up to 30 inches. Planting too deep can lead to drying out over time so make sure that when you place Hoya Wayetii into its new home whether a summer patio planter or an indoor window sill-that it is sitting at about level with where the topsoil ends on all sides before filling around with mulch (optional). Hoya wayetti plant features medium green leaves that are shorter and thicker, with a dark border down the edge. I check it weekly. After that, Ill talk growing conditions, potting mix, watering, bloom tips, and any other information that Ive found to be crucial for growing this plant. Because of its tropical origins, the Hoya wayetii likes humid conditions. Therefore, they do best in areas with temperatures no lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is below 62F for more than one hour per day, your Hoya plant may show signs of distress such as dropping leaves or short roots. The sections were published in the 1990s by Kloppenburg, a prominent Hoya researcher. If your budget allows for it, Id recommend buying two plants so theyre not too stressed during shipping or transplanting since one will be able to take over while the other recovers.. Another one to add to my list would be exciting! When is the best time to repot my Hoya Wayetii? Hoya sp Haraku and several other Hoyas from islands that are part of Indonesia look very similar to your unidentified plant. Hoyas like to grow in water as well. Exposure to direct sunlight is harmful to the delicate waxy leaves. It has string bean-like blades that are slender, dark green, and almost bent along the length of the leaf. Some of them are simple to catch and handle, while others are more devious. This plant gets my highest recommendation. And why are we in this situation? In this article,, Read More Upside-Down Flower Plant Varieties: A Fascinating WorldContinue, The Alocasia Frydek is a beautiful plant that can be used as a houseplant or in outdoor landscaping. 112 57 r/hoyas Join 12 days ago The plant has a famous variegated variety, known as the Variegated Hoya wayetii. Whether you are using organic or synthetic fertilizer, we recommend that you dilute its concentration to half. Unlike other Hoyas, this vine is not a heavy bloomer. In fact, Hoya plants grow best when the air around them is moist but not wet. Plants should not have temperatures below 55 degrees nor 65+ unless necessary during winter months when heaters arent running. Other sources say kentiana and wayetii are the same. The Hoya wayetii and Hoya kentiana are very difficult to distinguish as they have similar appearances. Root and shoot development will be observed after about 6 to 8 weeks. . The main difference between a hoya kentiana and the wayetii is that the leaves of the kentiana are much more elongated, and are pointed at the end, the wayetii has wider and shorter leaves, that also have a darker edge. While this isnt always the case, it does require a consistent and stable environment to have a pleasant growth and development. Nevertheless, the popping out foliage grabs the attention, making the plant look no lesser attractive than the siblings. Its not unusual for the plant to take two to three years before it flowers. While some plants dont like to be rootbound, the Hoya wayetii does. And dont forget to check out my handmade pottery thats now available in the store. And one of which isPlantly. The Hoya wayetii and Hoya kentiana are very difficult to distinguish as they have similar appearances. Both plants plod along in areas of my house that are not supplemented with humidity regardless of the season. In fact, Hoya plants grow best when the air around them is moist but not wet. Since its a tropical plant, it wants warm temperatures only. It resembles the shape of a small boat. Water the soil mildly with a spray. Hoya wayetii is a species of flowering plant in the genus Hoya native to the Philippines. I purchased this plant on June 7, 2019. The peduncles are darker in color than those of wayetii, they're more likely to be maroon despite the presence or lack of sun stress. The soil should be moist, but not soggy. On the Hawaiian vendor's site, she states that. Note: If there are no signs of any new growth after three weeks, your plant may not be doing well and you should contact an expert to help. This is one of those Hoyas that I cannot imagine growing trellised, but if you have done it, I would love to see photos! Outdoors, are attractive enough to decorate any warm corner with dappled shade. So, were just going to use words as it pertains to kentiana. uring this time of year, they grow new leaves from their old ones. For more information, please see our @2022 - Gardening Brain. They cost $4.50 each, marked down from $9 each. All it needs is medium to bright indirect light and water right after the soil gets dry. I could rant about this forever, but I wont. Yes, Hoyas grow aerial roots that you can use to anchor the plant to your vine or trellis. The Alocasia Frydek plant is very easy to grow and requires minimal care. Here are some photos that span about a years worth of time. You should also consider re-potting plants every two years if you are using a potting mix that does not drain well and needs to be watered more often than once per week. The flowers will not be mistaken for wayetii or kentiana flowers, either. But online transactions are a great alternative especially during this time of the pandemic. It does not need a lot of water. Fill a container with water and place the Hoya Wayetii stem in it. I've never seen your hoya NOID before, the leaves remind be a little of pubicalyx but the flowers resemble Kentiana? ), H. davidcummingii (Just the Flowers Maam), H. dolichosparte (Just the Flowers Maam! My variegated Hoya wayetii has developed a peduncle and started blooming! Hoyas will do better when grown with moist but well-drained soils such as bark mixes; organic composts which contain peat moss, leaf mold, and bark; or a commercial potting mix that contains perlite. If you prefer a more natural approach, you can use organic matter such as ground coffee granules or green tea leaves on the top of your organic soil mix for fertilizer. You can repot your wax plant every two years. But I see that they are often mistaken one for another and haven't seen anything that definitively tells them apart. On April 12, I was lucky enough to catch the flowers just as they were opening. I placed the plant in an east facing window where it proceeded to do absolutely nothing for the next year. They are best pruned by cutting off the stems with a clean blade or scissors about an inch from where it meets its potting mix. Below is the step-by-step process of propagating a hoya plant: USDA Hardiness Zones 9-11 are best suited for growing kentiana plants. When you water the soil, use a spray bottle, keeping the soil 70% dry in between waterings. The Hoya wayetii is known as a vining plant that works well on a trellis or in a hanging pot. **NEW STOCK COMING SOON! Place your hands, one under each side of the plants rootball, just beneath where you want it planted in your container or potting mix. The amount of water should be adjusted depending on the season. I think the one on the left is H. kentiana. The Hoya kentiana is a night flowering species pollinated by night critters such as bats and moths drawn to the sweet, sugary-scented nectar. Once these spots are filled up and compacted tight against its new home, put a thin layer of the substrate over everything (again without breaking many roots) then take your time watering it all down with some water; dont worry about getting too much because excess can be drained out later on. The simple watering technique for Hoyas is to water generously and let the soil dry out between consecutive watering. However, on extra dry days, you can adjust the humidity by different measures. Their pointed oval leaves have an interesting 3-D texture. aff. Very few, if any, vines grew during this time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The plant isnt incredibly toxic, but it does belong to the milkweed family and has milk latex in its leaves. Therefore, it requires fertilizer thats higher in nitrogen content. Change the water every week to avoid letting it go murky. ), H. sp. This is a dormant season so plants are typically at rest. Alocasia kentiana:Pointy, spear-shaped leaves that sprout small, butterscotch-scented flowers. Start by carefully filling up any empty spaces on top of the root ball while taking care not to break any roots as you go. All this means is giving them plenty of indirect light and keeping the soil moist enough for top growth, but never letting it become soggy or wet near the base of the plant. Hoya wayetii is an epiphytic perennial flowering vine. You can buy a well-draining, peat, or moss-based potting mix that is ready to use. Hoyas belong to the famous milkweed family. Soil Requirements: When planting your hoya in potting mix or vermiculite, it is important to not bury the plant deep into the media because there will likely not enough air space surrounding the roots. Jaclynn's Jungle 11.7K subscribers Join Subscribe 402 Share Save 8.6K views 1 year. They dont actually need that much water to survive during cold seasons. On the other hand, once a week is generally enough in the colder days. Hoya aff. Wayetti is widest and shortest leaves, kentiana has skinier and longer leaves and sheperdii even more so than kentiana. About 24 hours later, the flowers began to seep with nectar. If youre in an area where it gets really hot or cold easily then the best place for your plant would be somewhere that is protected from drafts or air conditioning/heating vents but will still get enough sunlight early morning through midday. This recommended temperature range is ideal for the plant to survive and thrive well in the area where it was planted. The Wayetii requires a higher light exposure than other Hoya types and around 70% to 90% of sunlight per day. The scent of the Hoya wayetii flowers is very sweet, almost like butterscotch. The best way to do this is by means of stem cuttings. The width is about a third of the length. Any ideas are welcome. Some of these plants can cause serious skin reactions, so its important to know what to look for and how to avoid them. Its so fulfilling to see a formerly plastic plant begin to take off with new growth. High humidity is preferred by hoya plants including kentiana. These two peeps are often confused with each other. As you said then, the wayetti's flowers are bigger than the kentiana and the pedicel colors show the difference as well.So I will label those two as kentiana and wayetti. They make me feel like I can see success with the plant, and I want to share that. My wayetii . I've been around the block writing blogs for Men's Magazine, Real Estate, Architectural and other major uprising niches. In early April, things had really taken off. The second factor was the light. Give a monthly dose of any good quality houseplant fertilizer in spring and summer. Mealybugs are a common pest of Hoya plants. Refresh the water weekly or mist the sphagnum moss to keep it evenly moist but not saturated. Your hoya will certainly be unhappy with this condition. And as if this wasnt confusing enough, the flowers of wayetii and kentiana are also very similar. Ferns That Look Like Weeds: How To Tell Them Apart, Upside-Down Flower Plant Varieties: A Fascinating World, Alocasia Frydek Care: How to Grow Alocasia. The soil should provide good aeration and avoid the pooling of water. I promptly potted the two plants together, hoping for a more full specimen. Increase the humidity around your plant by running a humidifier or keeping it . H. sp. The potting mix is a vehicle that helps transport and maintain water levels for the plant, and knowing your watering habits as well as the needs of the plant will help you find that perfect fit. During that time, fertilize it every other week using pellet or liquid fertilizer. : Separating Fact from Fiction, How to Propagate Your Hoya Wayetii Step by Step Hoya Wayetii Care, Step Two: Find a Place to Transplant Your Hoya Wayetii Plant, Step Three: Plant Your Hoyas and Keep Them Healthy with Regular Care, Benefits of Planting Your Hoya Wayetii Indoors in Winter, Frequently Asked Questions about Hoya Wayetii. Looking a little rough, but still worth a shot at redemption, dont you think? Humidity has never been of great concern in my care regimen for this plant, nor is it for my green wayetii that lives in an east window. All the members of the genus are pretty easy to propagate. In this case, that didnt happen for the first year. If you grow them outdoors, they make excellent ground cover in shady areas. These peeps cant withstand coldness. This is why its best to keep your plant away from drafts or cold spots and out of the direct sun. Bangkok Red (Just the Flowers Maam), H. sp. Wayetti also has a burgundy margin around it's leaves. Hoya plants need indirect light so a bright window with sunlight filtered through curtains for example would be perfect! . Ideally, you would keep it at 60 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant is frequently mislabelled as Hoya kentiana. So if we dont keep them in good condition through regular watering then we wont have anything left when things start looking green again come spring! Nevertheless, a medium level of humidity is enough to keep your Wayetti Hoya happy. On the other hand, lesser water should be given to the plant every fall and winter period. First, I used a pot that was too large. Follow your gut and the cues that the plant gives you. The Hoya kentiana is primarily a foliage plant. squash zucchini cucumber and eggplant seedlings, Golden Pothos | Devils Ivy | Epipremnum aureum, 6 White Butterfly Syngonium | Nephthytis Podophyllum | Live Plant | Arrowhead Vine |, 6 Glo Go Syngonium | Nephthytis Podophyllum | Live Plant | Arrowhead Vine |, 6 Syngonium Podophyllum Pink, Arrowhead Ivy Live Plant |, String of Frogs, In a 2 Inch Pot, Frog Feet Plant, Ficus pumila Quercifolia, Oakleaf creeping fig, Cryptanthus bivittatus Assortment, Earth Star Bromeliad Set, 3 Different Succulents, 6 Calathea Burle Marxii | Fishbone Prayer | Live Plant. Fertilizer for your plant is a matter of personal choice. It is important to let the soil dry first before watering the plant once again. It has large, dark green leaves and grows quickly to create an impressive statement piece. If one were to look closely, you would see that each Wayetii flower is home to dozens of little blooms. The actual shade varies based on the amount of light the plant receives. I think that kentiana is synonomous with wayetti. You can use a houseplant fertilizer with 2:1:2 or 3:1:2 NPK. If youre looking for a vining plant with rare leaves and beautiful flowers, the Hoya wayetii care is right for you. Occasionally, a new maroon leaf would spring forth, but it wasnt often within the span of that first year. I dont own a Hoya kentiana, and I try not to grab photos from the internet because I dont know whose work Im using. Je peux rejeter les cookies non essentiels en cliquant sur Grer mes prfrences . This can cause root rot and slow down the growth rates of the plant due to a lack of oxygen reaching its roots. PEPEROMIA OWL EYE: A GUIDE TO GROWING AND Black Jewel Orchid: A Comprehensive Guide, Begonia Grandis: Everthing You Need to Know, Anthurium Coriaceum: Care and Propagation Guide, Philodendron Congo Apple The Best Growing Tips, Alocasia Silver Giant The Best Care Guide, Philodendron ruizii | A Semi Succulent Plant, Echeveria Blue Sky | The Blue Succulent, Echeveria Purpusorum: The Small Succulent, Strawberry Mint Plant: How to Grow & Care, Horsehead Philodendron | Philodendron Bipennifolium, Anthurium Clarinervium: An Essential Indoor Plant, PEPEROMIA OWL EYE: A GUIDE TO GROWING AND CARING. Ill be using two photos Hoya wayetii and Hoya longifolia. Make sure the plant is placed in a well-ventilated place and doesnt remain wet for long. Avoid underwatering or overwatering your hoya to prevent further complications. However, they arent a problem only for Hoyas; they can occur on any plant. Here are the common issues that your hoya may possibly encounter: Root rot is the most frequent and deadly disease that Hoya kentiana may encounter. Fungus gnats are the most common culprits of hoya neglect. It resembles the shape of a small boat. Make the environment hot and humid. They were growing straight up like little rockets, following the macrame up until their weight brought them down. If you need the water immediately, boil the tap water, waiting to water your plant until it cools. In summer, drench the soil completely and water right after the upper1 inch of the soil gets dry. Gustaf has spent his time researching new ways to breed plants, while also growing a myriad of different crops from coffee cherries to blueberry bushes, root vegetables and tree saplings, and so much more. Maybe your 2nd one is longifolia? I attribute this to two factors. If you have other plants in the house, isolate your Hoya, so the bugs dont spread. Hoya plants are epiphytes which means they grow on other things, often living in trees. ), H. macgillivrayi (Just the Flowers Maam), H. Pottsii sp.Thailand (Just the Flowers Maam), H. rotundifolia (Just the Flowers Maam! Like many others in its genus, it has a vining growth habit. The Hoya Wayetti plant is from the Phillippines and is easily identifiable by its bright green leaves with dark brown and red edges. If you're new here WELCOME! Did you know that this plant makes a fantastic houseplant? Its likely that your plants need to be re-potted into new pots with fresh soil since theyre getting root-bound and cant take up any water from the old soil anymore. This plants, otherwise known as a Sweetheart Hoya or Lucky Heart, is commonly sold as a single, heart-shaped leaf planted in a small pot. Yes, Hoya wayetii plants are succulent vines. I water when it looks droopy, when the leaves wrinkle, get soft, or generally appear lackluster. I didnt have high hopes for this pair at all. Hoya kentiana, on the other hand, has thinner and more pointed leaves. This was late March. Each leaf gets about 3 to 8 inches long on maturity. Dont be in a rush to report the Hoya wayetii plant, either. More posts you may like r/hoyas Join 9 days ago I have a pretty Unpopular opinion on hoya flowering: do I stand alone on this? If you plant it outside and leave it in a climate where the temperature gets below 50 degrees, make sure you can bring it indoors to keep it from freezing. Gustaf Johansson spent early days in the garden with his grandparents, and took that passion with him through adulthood. This shouldnt be direct light, though. Years ago I bought a Hoya labeled Hoya kentiana in one of the big box stores that grew amazing and flowered profusely over the entire summer outside. The Acanthostemma section of the genus Hoya contains many species including Hoya kentiana and wayetii with many more that are in commerce that have not been identified. Then, let all the water drain before putting the pot back in its pot. They both have green and maroon leaves and similar flowers. In this, Read More Poisonous Plants in Michigan: Beware of These Deadly Plants!Continue, Your email address will not be published. But even with the great photo, unless you have very young eyes and 20/20 vision (which I never had, even when my eyes were young! So instead, stick your finger or a stick in the soil. Phu Wua), Hoya undulata (Smooth Edge Indonesian Clone), Hoya sp. Im always thrilled to talk plants. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HOYA KENTIANA VS WAYETII? To avoid this, remove the plant from the pot and separate the soil from the roots with your fingers. The color and shape of the corona show slight differences between the two. Training the roots with a vine or trellis will get the plant to grow in the direction you desire. Temperatures above and beyond the range can result in complications due to stress on the Hoya kentiana. Any pots will do for the kentiana plants, except too small or too big sizes. both plants hang next to each other, the above one has the dark rimmed leaves while this one does not. Estrella Waterfalls (Just the Flowers Maam! Their wax-like leaves are reminiscent of traditional succulents, but you can enjoy them as a vine or hanging plant. Wait up to three weeks before checking on your plant; this will let any roots start to grow and stabilize themselves in their new environment. One bloom on this plant isnt really enough to stop me in my tracks, unfortunately. Cookie Notice Ban Ngong Ngoy (Just the Flowers Maam! Finally, look for any signs of pests such as aphids or spider mites! Most Hoya enthusiasts arent going to be hitting up their neighborhood plant laboratory to get DNA testing done on their plant. When you repot, choose a pot no more than 2 inches larger than your current pot. I think if the foliage of wayetii, kentiana, and longifolia as small, medium, and large, respectively. The long thin stems grow in an attractive popping out manner with an average length of about 30 inches. The best time for an indoor installation maybe before Thanksgiving when you transition it back outside around March. When you purchase a Hoya from a store, its likely been grown in high-intensity lighting and may have already lost some of its leaves. Wayetii Hoyas are low-maintenance peeps. In winter, its recommended that you water every week. 162 likes, 2 comments - SK garden (@eskagarden) on Instagram: "HOYA kentiana yang super rare, sulit bgt dicari di Indonesia.. dia mirip banget sama hoya wayetii." Well, we dont want you to get a plant with the wrong label! Outdoors, select some shady spot under the trees or in the shade of some wall. Keep the plant in a place with temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees. However, a low humidity level is a big no, no. It will take about three months to see growth. [1] [2] Sometimes confused with Hoya kentiana or Hoya shepherdii, it has long, slender foliage that often has a red margin when exposed to sufficient sun. On Ted Green's site, he only lists wayetti and not kentiana. To review, the pedicel and peduncle are the flower-bearing stem portions. I hadnt seen variegated wayetii available at any other nursery, plus, I like a bargain. I guess I could try to fiddle around and see how close I could get to my flowers. and the girl that swapped this cutting told me it is a NOID. I was told that this is Wayetti, but I'm not really sure exactly what the correct name is also. Typically, Hoya plants are not invading, but if you use them as ground cover and dont keep them under control, they can get out of control. The variegated hoya wayetii has pink and red leaves as a young plant, but as the plant matures, the leaves become yellow and green with much darker borders. kentiana. The blossoms are fluffy balls with a darker crown and reddish lilac backward bend petals. What Is the Difference Between Hoya Wayetii vs Kentiana? If you notice these symptoms starting during periods of 24-hour darkness, then it may be time to repot your Hoyas as well (see answer above). However, patience and proper care are rewarded with beautiful lavender flowers after a couple of years. Wait for the roots to reach over 2 inches long before planting in a well-drained potting mix. Your email address will not be published. You should plant at least 5 cuttings to get a bushy new Wayetii Plant. Pubicalyx is a hardy twining vine that can trail or climb, but its a little unruly: you may spend time unwinding the outdoor plant from its neighbors. Fungus gnats often happen with overwatering. The blooms are long-lasting, fuzzy clusters of fragrant stars. The long pointed leaves make a good substitute for a Hoya that I find impossible to grow in Hoya shepherdii. It hasnt been since last fall. I have several greenhouse cabinets, and I see absolutely no reason why this plant would ever need that special growing environment. Previously sold as Hoya wayetii 'Variegata,' we changed our tune when we realized this plant's leaves never have the . Light is the key. This species can actually grow up to 20 inches or more, depending on how favorable the growing conditions are. Throughout the day, aim for a constant temperature of 70F (21C) or above. The mealybugs suck the juice from your plant and lay eggs, making them hard to eliminate. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments, this vine makes pretty pots, containers, and hanging baskets.
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hoya kentiana vs hoya wayetii 2023