Giant horsetail is a popular weight loss supplement in Latin America [1]. Horsetail prevented, delayed, and reduced the intensity of seizures in mice. In people with kidney disease, horsetail may increase potassium to unsafe levels. Horsetail was only researched in a rat study. Horsetail may cause drug-herb interactions when consumed alongside antiretroviral drugs prescribed for HIV treatment (30). Based cellular studies, some scientists think the liver effects of horsetails onitin and the flavonoid luteolin should be researched further [22, 23]. Native Americans liked to use it to naturally treat kidney and bladder problems. WebRT @RAbdiAnalyst: I also visited the horse ranch at Entoto Natural Park and had a whale of a time. 30 Apr 2023 07:18:10 People traditionally used horsetail to reduce fluid buildup and inflammatory issues. The plant contains numerous beneficial compounds that give it multiple health-promoting effects. I also visited the horse ranch at Entoto Natural Park and had a whale of a time. Horsetail is mostly consumed in the form of tea, which is made by steeping the dried herb in hot water. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Her symptoms ceased when she stopped drinking the tea (33). Additionally, its hard to tease apart the effect of horsetail when other herbs/nutraceuticals are used in the study. Future clinical trials should look into the effects of horsetail on herpes. (10), To treat burns and wounds, horsetail herbis often applied directly to the affected area of skin. High blood pressure (hypertension). Horsetail remedies are made using the leaves and stems. We study millions of patients and 5,000 more each day. which enables users to obtain detailed information and reports based on their genome. Researchers are exploring whether horsetail can help reduce bleeding and shrink the size of wounds, which would theoretically help with ulcers and hemorrhoids. View abstract. Is horsetail good for hair growth? 2014 Aug 4;14:283. View abstract. Check whether High blood pressure is associated with a drug or a condition, High blood pressure and drugs with ingredients of horsetail, High blood pressure in Moderna COVID Vaccine, High blood pressure in Pfizer BioNTech Covid Vaccine, High blood pressure in Johnson and Johnson Covid Vaccine, Acetylsalicylic Acid and Mitral Valve Hypoplasia, Prednisone and Glucose Tolerance Impaired, Prednisone and General Physical Health Deterioration. 1 However, because of its similar action to anti-hypertensive drugs, it is recommended that you speak with your healthcare provider before using horseradish while taking anti-hypertensive drugs. Phytochem Anal 2005;16:380-7. 30 Apr 2023 07:29:46 29 Apr 2023 18:38:11 It grows wild in northern Europe and North and Central America, as well as in other moist places with temperate climates. Half of them used horsetail ointment on a surgical wound for 10 days [4]. Below is a list of horsetails traditional uses and experimental findings (from animal and cell-based research) lacking clinical evidence. WebHorsetail helps to decrease blood pressure due to its diuretic effect, which increases the elimination of fluid from the body. (n.d.). Horsetail might lower blood sugar levels. Pic posted in the interest of elevating brother @iyoba4u's blood pressure. Waterstradt A, Winker M, Zimmermann-Klemd AM, et al. Thus, cell studies cannot be used to draw any health-related conclusions. Among them, 1 person (3.23%) has High blood pressure. When used in higher doses than for treating anxiety, horsetail increased the duration of sleep in mice. Some compounds that show promising results in animals turn out to be ineffective or dangerous in humans. They are continually monitored by our internal peer-review process and if we see anyone making material science errors, we don't let them write for us again. J Ethnopharmacol 1985;14:269-72. Horsetail, or Equisetum arvense, is an herb that has historically been used as a diuretic to make you urinate more frequently. Ann Pharm Fr 1986; 44:41-8. Phytomedicine 2022;99:153955. Thiaminase is an enzyme that breaks down thiamine, or vitamin B1. All rights reserved. The antithiamine action of Equisetum. Horsetail tea is used as a diuretic, and can also improve nail and hair health. (14). The next morning, people give found the body of remedios casero para la Also, silicon shouldnt be confused with silicone,which is the synthetic substance used in plastic surgery and the electronics industry! Horsetail also increases IL-10, which may boost weight loss. Is the horsetail plant invasive? Animal studies show that hawthorn can act as a vasodilator, meaning it can relax constricted blood vessels, ultimately lowering blood pressure ( 10, 11, 12, 13 ). Test-tube studies show that horsetail may inhibit osteoclasts and stimulate osteoblasts. Can J Hosp Pharm 2021;74(4):386-389. Hence, horsetail is now being studied for its effects on bone, skin, and hair health. Clinical studies are rare, and most of them have a small sample size. Horsetail extract achieved an effect similar to the standard diuretic in 36 healthy male volunteers, without disrupting the electrolyte balance. Overall, the test product significantly improvedsplitting, fragility and longitudinal grooves. These rules do diabetic meds online not think that sin is What Diabetes Medications Give You Horse Voice unforgivable, but only think that it give is a human weakness. Expand to all the drugs that have ingredients of horsetail: Hypertension and drugs with ingredients of horsetail (3 reports) Alternative drugs to, pros and cons of Horsetail: Studies used different species of horsetail. Its also available in capsule and tincture form. Carneiro DM, Jardim TV, Arajo YCL, et al. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. It also helped to break down and eliminate kidney stones in rats. In general, dietary supplements lack solid clinical research. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on WebMD. BMC Complement Altern Med. WebBlood pressure. Thus, long-term horsetail intake, or any horsetail intake in those with low thiamine levels such as people with alcohol use disorder may lead to vitamin B1 deficiency (34). Its anti-inflammatory and skin healing properties could be beneficial when used as a cream, lotion, or ointment on affected areas [34]. This suggests that its useful for bone diseases such as osteoporosis, which is characterized by overly active osteoclasts that result in fragile bones (1, 5). It aids in detoxifying the body, managing diabetes, and promoting hair care. The effects of horsetail on the brain are just beginning to be uncovered. (6) Further research published by the Brazilian Society of Dermatology also suggeststhat hair strands with higher silicon content tend to have a lower fall-out rate as well as greater brightness. Available at: When a urinalysis comes back positive for nitrites, it usually means you have a bacterial infection. Sudan BJ. Lanca S, Alves A, Vieira AI, et al. Ortega Garca JA, Angulo MG, Sobrino-Najul EJ, Soldin OP, Mira AP, Martnez-Salcedo E, Claudio L. Prenatal exposure of a girl with autism spectrum disorder to 'horsetail' (Equisetum arvense) herbal remedy and alcohol: a case report. 29 Apr 2023 18:38:11 This herb can be found growing in moist, rich soil throughout the temperate climate zones of the Northern Hemisphere, including Asia, North America and Europe. Fitoterapia 2005;76:508-13. The medicinal benefits of the compounds in horsetail are promising, but more research is needed [11]. (Mosk) 1983;3(1):47-50. Traditionally, the berries were used to treat heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and You can buy horsetail supplements in pill form or as a tea at most health food stores. Agustin-Ubide MP, Martinez-Cocera C, Alonso-Llamazares A, et al. Diuretic activity of an Equisetum bogotense tea (Platero herb): evaluation in healthy volunteers. For this reason, the herb is used in some beauty products such as facial cleansers and shampoos. Horsetail comes in many varieties, but the one most often used medicinally is. Horsetail could help fight cellulite by cleansing fluids from the body and toning the skin. Marsh horsetail (Equisetum palustre) is known to be poisonous. However, the study was very small, so the results are not considered conclusive. The combination of active ingredients in horsetail can fight many bacterial, viral, and yeast infections [57]. It also helps seal up capillaries that leak too much water into the tissues. (11). Its found in the form of tea, tinctures, and capsules. It improved symptoms and regulated the immune response in most cases in a study of 60 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 30 Apr 2023 07:09:55 All rights reserved. J Ethnopharmacol. Horsetail has a long history of traditional use for bone healing [27]. No other plant boasts as high of a concentration of this mineral (1, 5). Beriberi caused by antithiamin factors in food and its prevention. Normal Blood Pressure for Adults According to the American Heart Association, normal blood pressure for adults (ages 20 and older) is less than 120/80 mm Hg. Proper, large-scale, double-blinded, randomized clinical trials need to be carried out to determine the effectiveness and safety of various horsetail preparations. Silicon is a component of collagen, which is needed to keep skin elastic and smooth. The anti-seizure effect may be due to the flavonoid isoquercetin, but other unknown compounds could also play a role [38]. Fabre B, Geay B, Beaufils P. Thiaminase activity in equisetum arvense and its extracts. 2023 Healthline Media LLC. I also visited the horse ranch at Entoto Natural Park and had a whale of a time. This article explores horsetail, including its potential benefits, uses, and downsides. Horsetail reduced fat levels in postmenopausal rats [32]. Pic posted in the interest of elevating brother @iyoba4u's blood pressure. Horsetail was historically prepared as a juice, tea, or tincture for treating many diseases. The researchers measured the diuretic effect of the horsetail supplement by monitoring the volunteers water balance over a 24-hour period. Our analysis results are available to researchers, health care professionals, patients (testimonials), and software developers (open API). This calming effect opens the door to potential therapeutic use for sleeping problems, and for relaxation before surgery [35, 37, 38]. View abstract. Evidence does not support the use of horsetail for skin problems. Other studies looking at the effects of different blends containing horsetail-derived silica found similar results (20, 21). While many hear butter and beef and immediately think of heart attacks Potassium is an important electrolyte and the third most abundant mineral in Daniel Fast: Benefits for Your Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Health, 15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health, 9 Proven Black Seed Oil Benefits that Boost Your Health, L-Glutamine Benefits Leaky Gut & Metabolism, Chia Seeds Benefits: The Omega-3, Protein-Packed Superfood, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits for Weight Loss, Skin Health, Cholesterol & More, Plant-Based Diet: Disease-Protective + Promotes Major Weight Loss, The Potential Benefits & Drawbacks of Tobiko (Plus Healthy Alternatives), CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) Boosts Fat Loss & the Immune System, You Probably Have Low Potassium Start Eating These 15 Foods, Contains Natural Antimicrobial Properties. Horsetail ointment is usually applied directly to the wound. (21). Learn about which essential oils can help your hair. Side effects Horse chestnut extract is usually well tolerated. Multiple studies have shown that horsetail is beneficial to wound healing. There is little solid evidence to prove that it is effective. Using anan in vivo model of acute inflammation, another study published in theOpen Rheumatology Journallooked at the effects of a horsetail extract as a form of immunomodulatory therapy on antigen-induced arthritis in mice subjects. However, evidence to support its use for these health problems is completely lacking at the moment [43]. Extracts should be standardized to the flavonoid isoquercetin, but some manufacturers emphasize silica content.
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horsetail and blood pressure 2023