
How to Optimize Your Social Media for SEO

Winning at SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means landing at the top of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) consistently and reliably. Attending to your social media SEO is an essential part of that win.

Learn how to amp up your chances for a high search rank with these proven tips for optimizing your social media SEO.

Romain Berg is a comprehensive digital marketing agency. We deliver increased search rank results without the hype. Contact us today, and we’ll be in touch to create a customized digital marketing strategy that amplifies your brand success.

Google, SEO, and social media

Google measures your search rank based on three primary factors: Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust (or EAT). Though your social media platform alone won’t largely impact your search rank, what other people DO with your social media presence can help or hinder your SEO.

Another element of convention SEO is keyword use. Accepted practice is to mine your audience for the words and phrases they use to search up products and services like yours. You then use those same phrases conversationally in your web content for higher search ranking over time.

With consistent, keyword-optimized content on your website, blogs, and product pages, Google takes note of how many users land on your web channels. Google also notices how many other sites mention your links, and factors those metrics into your search rank.

Social media presents a different piece of the SEO puzzle. Google doesn’t directly factor your social media activity into your search rank. Instead, Google checks out how often your content, account, or links get shared on social media and how people respond favorably to those shares.

If your website increases clicks from social media posts and shares, Google notices and factors that into your search rank.

Google doesn’t place the same weight on social sharing as on other SEO elements in its algorithm per se. But according to some recent research, sites with a robust social media following and engagement enjoy a higher search rank.

Social media SEO optimization strategy

Knowing at least a little of how your social media activity can help your SEO can help direct your social content. Here are some criteria to consider as you evaluate your social media SEO strategy.

1.Strive to create the most valuable content: Social media is a bizarre blend of trending topics, influencers, popular products, dance videos, and cute pets on YouTube. Knowing your audience and what they value is critical to winning with social media and SEO.

Your content should be ultra-intentional and relevant. For example, during an election cycle, content that pulls at your audience’s social leanings is likely to get shared and liked more than a neutral post. This tactic can work well to improve the SEO of values-based companies, social organizations, and other businesses with a clear-cut audience avatar. Seasonal product posts can also receive more likes and shares because they serve an immediate purpose, perhaps at a special price or limited quantity.

2. Create a visual “wow” factor with video and imagery: We know of one boutique laundry detergent company that sold out its product in a matter of weeks. They showed continual videos on Facebook and Instagram of customers soaking their dirty fitness gear in buckets with detergent. Then, they showed the (disgusting) water in the bucket after the detergent had done its job.

They also leveraged the earth-friendly detergent ingredient list and the ability to “add life” to your high-end fitness gear, saving money each year on new purchases. Fitness enthusiasts liked, shared, and clicked this company’s profile until they sold out. Social Media shares like this can help rocket your company to the top of the SERP, even though social media is not a direct ranking factor.

3. Create and release a podcast: Podcasting doesn’t have to be a scary ordeal or lifetime commitment. You can get the word out about your company, mission, project, or products, with a few well-placed, widely shared episodes. With podcasts being a massive trend, many people online beg their friends for recommendations. (We’ve seen a spike in podcast popularity during the 2020 pandemic and aftermath, as isolated consumers look for new ways to fight boredom and feel connected.) 

The key to podcasting is to hit a “hot” button for your audience and then amplify its release on social media. Use hashtags to gain audience members and ask a few of your most loyal customers (with ideally robust social media follower groups) to share your podcast links on social media. Enlisting loyal customers to share your podcast can help you get more engagement and clicks. More engagement leads to a higher search rank, as we’ve revealed.

4. Blend quality professional images with the “human” side of your business or project. Much of social media is known for showcasing only our “highlight” reels. It’s perfectly fine to include a blend of your most professional visual representation and a healthy dose of your human side on each channel. 

Using real-life imagery to drive home your researched, well-written captions and strong calls to action can enhance your relatability as well as your authority. Social media is, first and foremost, about connection. If you fail to connect authentically with a social media audience, you won’t help your social media or SEO.

5. Use headlines that stop the scroll. A powerful image, useful product, or life-changing blog post requires a scroll-stopping headline. Your headline must tug at your audience’s emotions, needs, or pain-points to get them to lift up their scrolling thumbs and pay attention. 

Some examples might include: “The #1 secret to (solving an audience pain point), without (doing something difficult or unpalatable.)” Or, “Who else wants to (feel better, save money, or otherwise improve their lives in a specific way that your products help them to do.)”

Carry your high-quality user experience through every channel

A highly relevant and engaging social media channel cannot make or break your SEO, but it can help you elevate your rankings indirectly. Remember that your website experience matters MORE for SEO than your social media because it is not a direct ranking factor. 

Social media can help people find and click your website, but your web content and user experience are what keep them on your page or in your online store. Using conversational keywords, top-notch images, and ensuring a fast page loading speed directly impact your SEO, while social media can only add to your SEO foundation.

To gain time working on your business rather than in it, consider outsourcing your digital marketing (including your social media strategy) to Romain Berg. We deliver search rank results and no hype.

Fill out our contact form today to help create and implement SEO and social media strategy that increase traffic and conversions reliably.

The post How to Optimize Your Social Media for SEO first appeared on Romain Berg.

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