
How to Control Your Expenses When Doing Social Media Marketing

By Jacob Maslow

The days of print-based marketing are numbered, and with a
lot of people gravitating towards social media as their primary marketing
source, things can get very complicated, very fast. Fortunately, you can avoid
all the financial perils of having to invest in something new and unique by
following our pointers. They are simple to understand, easy to execute, and
they’ll help get things done in a desirable budget.

Focusing on loyal customers

If your business has a few current customers, it’s less
difficult to get new ones, which means you’ll not be required to spend more to
rake in additional customers. So what other tactics should you resort to when
controlling your expenses? Being loyal to your customers. One way of doing this
is by sending them regular, personalized reminders about what offers or
promotions you’re running. If you have a presence on multiple social media
platforms, it’s important to let your audience know about the promotion you’re
running. This will keep your existing customers busy, and through ‘word of
mouth’ you’ll not be required to spend more funds in acquiring more customers.

Run posts that are more focused on providing solutions

A lot of the times, customers won’t know what kind of
product or service they want unless you show it to them. You can get started by
sharing a few posts that highlight existing problems of customers. These
existing problems are often referred to as ‘pain points’, where customers are
informed on how using a particular product or service can improve their experience
to an extent. At the same time, you can run paid ads promoting your own product
or service that aims to help tackle those problems. A mixture involving both
kind of posts should do the trick after a couple of months and you’ll start to
see positive results.

Provide offers that force customers to leave positive reviews

One way to stop getting a massive
marketing bill at the end of the month is to once more, focus on your existing
customers. There are times when these customers will ignore your plea of leaving
positive reviews but there are other ways to grab their attention. For example,
customers who are a part of your email subscriber list can be sent exclusive
offers from time to time, or a discount coupon which they can avail if they
leave a positive review on your product or service. This move will be a small
expense on your part, but it will beneficial to help you receive rave and
positive reviews. After all, if something receives positive reviews, then only
more people will want to take a look at what you’re offering.

If you continue having problems when it comes to social
media marketing expenses, it’s always a good idea to take some financial advise
from a reputable institute like Ikano Bank. They have well-trained financial
experts who can help you get work done in a small budget, so if you ever need
sound financial advice, you know who to get in touch with.

The post How to Control Your Expenses When Doing Social Media Marketing appeared first on Social Media Explorer.

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Source:: Social Media Explorer

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