
How to acquire high-intent traffic that converts with Alina Benny, SEO & Content Lead at Nextiva

From keyword research to conversions, getting B2B content marketing right requires quite a few steps. You need to identify interesting opportunities, write the actual content, and fight content decay. What’s better than a few sound frameworks to follow when figuring it all out?

Alina and the Nextiva demand generation team have grown blog traffic by 500% through a combination of hard work, consistency, and a set of high-quality, systematic SEO and content practices. What’s best, she swears by easy-to-follow processes and frameworks, which she shares in this episode.

Alina breaks down all her best practices, including:

We hope you get some fresh ideas from this episode of the Growth Hub podcast. Do you have anything to add to Alina’s suggestions? You can tweet to us at @NordicEdward and @SaaSGrowthHub.

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