
Google’s John Mueller Gives SEO Clues To Webmaster

Chris Dicker, the Managing Director at Trusted Reviews, has been asking for advice on “traffic loss after traffic loss” for the site Trustedreviews.com. Google’s John Mueller dropped some hints after “briefly” looking at the site and thread.

You probably want to first review the Google Webmaster Help thread where Chris asks “does Google think we are spam?” John did not reply in the thread but replied on Twitter. John said:

… and when you make bigger changes across the whole (larger & older) site to significantly reach a higher level, that can take quite a bit of time to be reflected in search. It’s not just a matter of recrawling & reindexing.

โ€” ๐ŸŒ John ๐ŸŒ (@JohnMu)

It is always interesting to see when John Mueller gives specific advice to specific sites.

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