
Everything that happened at the Big Tech antitrust hearing – TECHEVANGELISTSEO | SEO Tips With YouTube Videos Infographic And How To

There was yelling. There was butt-kissing. There was Jeff Bezos forgetting to take himself off mute. Another congressional hearing where members of congress get to blast tech CEOs with questions – some crucial, some nonsense – is in the books. 

As a hearing on antitrust law, it was a historic moment of reckoning with the most powerful companies and people the modern world has ever known. It was also at times ridiculous and awkward, thanks to political theatrics, and the fact that all the CEOs appeared virtually via video conference because of coronavirus precautions.  

Jeff Bezos hasn’t been asked a single question by Congress yet, so the world’s richest man is having a snack..pic.twitter.com/zMZ4iEuHyY

— Claire Reilly (@reillystyley) July 29, 2020 Read more…

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