
Video Series: Social Media Marketing that Works

mConnexions Marketing Video Series with Julie Holton

Social media plays an essential part in many of our lives on a daily basis. According to, “As of January 2018, there are 4.02 billion internet users around the globe – that’s 53% of the world’s total population.” Of those users, 3.2 billion, or 42% of the population are active social media users.

These same users develop into consumers, using these platforms as a source for information and products. Understanding the true power of social media marketing is essential to a successful marketing strategy and every business owner and brand marketer should offer a variety of ways to organically reach these consumers. In a world of data and algorithms – social media marketing is the true power and that is why social media marketing is a and an important part of our marketing trends video series.  

Targeting on Social Media

Through social media marketing, clients and prospects can be reached in a variety of ways, particularly through big data and targeting tools. With every photo, video and status update, information regarding demographics, etc. is received.

This aspect is fundamental, and businesses are beginning to hone in on this information to get a competitive edge. It’s easy to plan for future social media campaigns when you already know about your potential customers and this information also makes approaching them less challenging.

Changes in Social Media

As with evolution, social media and its companion, big data, come with change. At first, many sigh at the thought of updates to social media platforms because they mean new tools to use and new processes to acclimate to. Many consumers and businesses often attribute change to something scary – but it doesn’t need to be.

Thanks to big data, companies are able to remain competitive and the sooner these new tools are embraced, the sooner businesses can benefit. And it doesn’t stop here! According to Cloud Optik, it is expected that global data will increase to by 2025 – an increase ten-fold since 2016. Can you imagine the possibilities? Social media marketing will continue to thrive, and businesses will continue to profit off its success.


Out of all social media platforms, one seems to be taking the lead as a beneficial business tool – look out world, Instagram is taking over! As of 2018, the network that focuses on photo-sharing has reached monthly active users. In 2019, continued traction is expected due to the ability of businesses to emphasize their brand through the use of photos, filters, and hashtags.

Currently, 60% of adults online use Instagram and the platforms monthly active users consist of over 800 million members. Half of those users follow at least one business and 60% have discovered a service or product while using the platform. Quite a business audience isn’t it? In many ways, Instagram has replaced word of mouth and has become an indispensable marketing tool.

Would you like to maximize your presence on Instagram, establish your brand, and build better engagement?

Take a look at these:

1. Make the Most of Your Profile

2. Use Hashtags and Mentions

3. Maintain Your Brand Aesthetic

4. Don’t Forget to Use Captions

If you’d like additional Insta-tips on ways to grow your business, check out .

Stay tuned for more marketing trends from mConnexions Owner & Principal Strategist Julie Holton. And, let us know what you would like to see featured in our next video!


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