
Twitter Marketing Bangla Tutorial – Social Media Marketing Bangla Video Tutorial

Twitter marketing Bangla tutorial Step by step process on how Twitter marketing works and how you can promote any product and services on Twitter.

01:02Twitter Marketing Bangla Tutorial – what is Twitter?

Twitter is a short message communicator or a social networking site it is also known as a social networking site. Where we can share 140 characters only we can share images, links, videos.

If you want to market your product and services online you have to keep in mind your audience. If you know your audience, your target group it can help you.

If you want to market on twitter you have to create a twitter profile first. Once you did your next step is to make your profile look professional.

How to make your twitter profile professional-Twitter Marketing Bangla Tutorial:

Thre are some elements that can help you to make your twitter profile professional these elements are header photo, profile photo, twitter profile, name, handle and twitter bio.

Other important things make at least 6 tweets with attractive images. it makes your profile looks smart.

Once you did your next step is to find targeted people to follow. follow 50 people every day and tweet once a day.

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Twitter Marketing Bangla Tutorial - Social Media Marketing Bangla Video Tutorial

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