
Top SEO Tools for Beginners to Dramatically Improve Campaigns | Techno FAQ

Published on September 16th, 2020 | by Sunit Nandi

Top SEO Tools for Beginners to Dramatically Improve Campaigns

There are several top SEO tools to dramatically improve your marketing efforts. If you are just starting out in search engine optimizations, the proper tools can make or break the performance of your upcoming campaign. Powerful SEO tools are critical to obtaining better rankings in your industry. As a beginner, you need to find a tool that suits your current skills, budget and project scope. By choosing the proper tool, you can ensure that you are spending your business budget wisely on digital marketing. If you are interested getting better results, read on to learn about the top SEO tools for beginners to dramatically improve campaign.

Ubersuggest is a top SEO tool for beginners looking to improve their marketing campaign. Recently acquired by Neil Patel, Ubersuggest is free to use, specializing in generating new keyword ideas. This powerful tool scrapes data from Google’s Keyword Planner in order to provide you with thousands of head terms and long-tail phrases. In addition to a detailed list of keywords, Ubersuggest provides tons of SEO metrics like search volume, position, and estimated monthly visits. Even more, if you are targeting internet users globally, you view your top keywords by location. In many cases, the phrases you are ranking for will differ greatly across countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and India. Before spending money on an expensive set of SEO tools, be sure to consider Ubersuggest to improve your current campaign.


CanIRank is another excellent option to help you dramatically improve your campaign performance. This free SEO tool provides you detailed data regarding keyword difficulty. The platform helps you monitor ranking changes, track new content ideas, and conduct accurate keyword research. Of course, this type of data can help you understand why certain pages are ranking and what it will take beat competitors. Understanding these metrics, you can easily identify the changes that will make the largest SEO impact in the shortest period of time. Moreover, the free SEO platform helps you develop efficient, organic white-hat link building strategies for your campaign. If you are looking for a widely used SEO tool to upgrade your campaign performance, familiarize yourself with CanIRank.

SEO Spider

SEO Spider is an effective tool to help beginners in marketing to instantly improve their advertising campaigns. Originally created in 2010, this resource is an effective web crawler with a limited, free trial version. SEO Spider is widely used by industry leaders like Shazam, Dell, and Disney. One of this popular tool’s standout features is the ability to crawl your site and check for broken pages. It can even help you identify missing title tags, duplicated metadata, and improper text length. Thoroughly evaluating factors is critical to upgrade your onsite SEO. This way, you can avoid any common SEO mistakes that just make you look dumb or unprofessional. SEO Spider is a critical SEO tool to instantly improve your marketing efforts.

Answer The Public

Answer The Public is another SEO tool that is geared towards beginners for your upcoming marketing campaign. Specifically, this free program helps you find questions, comparisons, prepositions, and related searches based on your seed keyword. While you can generate new keyword ideas using other tools, this unique program provides a visual representation to help you better understand phrases related to your topic. The only downside of this SEO program is that there is no search volume data available. However, if you do see an interesting phrase, you can always research it using one of the alternate keyword tools mentioned. Since content marketing is so important for websites, it is critical to use a free SEO tool like Answer The Public to optimize your campaign performance.

One of the most popular SEO tools available, Whatagraph is an advanced solution for social media reporting and marketing analytics. The visual reporting tool helps you easily track key data associated with your website and campaign performance. Of course, this data can reveal deep insights regarding your SEO, PPC, and social media channel analytics. Leveraging this data, you can better understand your unique impressions, traffic sources, and top ads. Moreover, the platform lets you see your campaign progress in terms of days, budget spent, and goals achieved. If you are looking for a unique SEO reporting solution, Whatagraph provides many key features to improve your campaign in 2020.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Google AdWords Keyword Planner is an incredibly popular free SEO tool to improve your upcoming campaign. The Keyword Planner program provides detailed reports on profitable keywords related to your product, landing page, or category. Along with a detailed list of keywords, you can additionally find metrics concerning competition, average monthly searches, and the suggested bid. Using this data, you can leverage new keyword suggestions to prepare content and obtain real-time data directly from the source. If you are looking for a beginner friendly SEO tool to improve your campaign results, consider Google AdWords Keyword Planner.

As a beginner in SEO, there are several powerful tools to instantly improve your marketing campaign. The value of search engine results rankings is becoming increasingly essential in the digital era. With SEO playing an increasingly important role in modern marketing, the proper tools are critical to give you a substantial competitive advantage in the search rankings. Since there are hundreds of popular tools available, there are several potential options to consider. As the best all around SEO tool, Ubersuggest provides a comprehensive overview of your keywords, backlinks, and site health metrics. With an incredibly simple user interface, this is an essential choice for novice marketers just getting started off. Read about the tools listed above to learn about the top SEO tools for beginners to dramatically your marketing campaign.

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I’m the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there’s no tomorrow.

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