
Structured data for ecommerce – AI-Powered SEO • WordLift

SEO has always been important for e-commerce sites, but in 2020 using structured data has really become crucial to get the best exposure on Google and other search engines.

Back in April this year, Google announced that it is now free to sell on Google — and in July free retail listings landed on Google Search. Boom! 💥

Free retail listings on Google Search are really a game-changer, allowing e-commerce sites to get more exposure for their products and increase the CTR.

How can you make Google feature your products on the SERP?

Here is where structured data comes handy. Adding a layer of metadata to all your products allows Google to display them to potential customers. But… how do you add structured data to your products?

Doreid will share with you best practices, practical tips, and tools to improve your e-commerce SEO through structured data.

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