
SEO This Week Episode 171

Reciprocal Linking Ohhh Myyy

Welcome to Episode 171 of SEO This Week! I’m back after an extended break to bring you some great content, news, and maybe a tip or two that just might pay off big for you.

This week I’m going to bring you a few articles that I found pretty interesting. We’ll talk a bit about the latest Google happenings with failed algo changes. Then we’ll take a trip down the link building trail and discuss reciprocal link building and how you can use it to help you rank your web pages.

So sit back, relax, grab a notebook and lets get this show on the road!

The Google Analytics Setup I Use on Every Site I Build

Google Analytics is a powerful yet quite complicated tool. And unfortunately, the truth is most people who use it don’t reap its full benefits.

For the past three years I’ve worked on Google Analytics (specifically on the web tracking side), and in that time I’ve learned far more than I ever thought I would. I’ve been able to dive deep into some of GA’s amazing features, and I’ve also run up against some of its annoying shortcomings.

This article is sort of a culmination of everything I’ve learned over the past three years, and it’s aimed specifically at web developers. Since this article is a bit on the long side, I’ve broken it up into several distinct topics, so you can read it in parts and more easily reference something later.

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Infographic: How To Write SEO Content That Ranks (11 Proven Frameworks)

According to a study of 2 million web pages, 90.63% of SEO content gets zero traffic from Google.

In other words, 9 out of every 10 content pieces written for search engine users are complete and utter failures.

That’s because writing quality content is just one part of the equation.

To rank consistently at the top of SERPs – and win more organic traffic – you need to write your content around a proven search engine optimization framework that satisfies both users and search engines alike.

In today’s post I’m going to share with you my proven SEO templates, plus show you step-by-step how to optimize 11 types of SEO content for higher search engine rankings.

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Link Building Case Study: How I Built 33 Links In 6 Hours

Today I’m going to show you how I built 33 high-quality backlinks in under 6 hours.

That’s 1 new backlink every 10 minutes.

And I didn’t buy any links or use ‘black-hat’ tactics.

How did I build links so fast? Using the 10 Minute Backlink Formula.

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Logfile Analysis for SEO (Google Data studio template included)

A log file is a file output contained within a web server that records any request that the server receives. It is useful to investigate log files to see what resources are crawling a website.

The structure and individual components of a log file depend on a variety of factors, including the type of server in question and other configurations.

How you access your log files depends entirely on how your server is set up.

Quite often, SEOs will have to go through a myriad of departments or stakeholders to obtain or access more technical information or data.

These complications can often make log file analysis more difficult and frustrating for SEOs, despite the issues having little or nothing to do with the investigation itself.

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SEO Tools, Tips, and Tricks

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