
Ramp Up Your Rankings in 20 Days [Infographic] | SEO Reseller

The local SEO landscape has changed so much that it will make you think if what you’re currently doing is enough to ensure your clients remain visible on search results. The rise of mobile search, queries becoming more conversational in nature that will help boost your organic traffic, and Google changing the way local results come up have set the stage for a new local SEO scene — and we might even be expecting more next year.

Getting your clients to rank in local results has become less about building links. Claiming a listing and letting it sit there will get you nowhere. You have to look at the finer details of local search and optimize the right elements to push down the competition.

Just like any other digital marketing professional out there, I’ve become a witness to the never-ending changes that occur in the SEO landscape. In this post, I’ll be sharing my insights and a few strategies we’ve been implementing to help our partners get their clients ranking on local search results.

Here are local SEO fixes to ramp up your client’s rankings in 20 days:

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