
How to use SEO to serve audience intent (Old Guard vs New Blood Webinar) -Majestic Blog

It’s all well and good being able to drive organic traffic from the SERP, but what if the visitor doesn’t find exactly what they’re looking for on your site? The chances are that they’ll bounce and search engines may not think that your web page provides the most relevant result.

On this panel we’ll discuss how to determine exactly what your organic visitors are looking for and how to use SEO to serve that intent, giving you a great opportunity to maintain your rankings over the long term.

Sign up now to watch the webinar on February 3rd: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kLyWaTjDSkyTyJvuQoMADw

Your Panellists

Jenny Halasz, President & Founder, JLH Marketing

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