
3 Video Marketing Tips for the Changing Consumer

Thanks to our mobile dominated society, consumer behavior will never be the same! Think With Google conducted research about mobile search in ‘The Age of Assistance’, and the numbers are revealing! As a whole, consumers are more curious, demanding, and impatient than ever! Let’s dissect this data to better anticipate our customer needs and modernize our video marketing. Whether it’s on search or not, there’s a relationship between how people seek out information and the kind of video content they prefer these days.

1. Video for more curious consumers

People are taking search engines to research even their smallest decisions. According to Google, there’s more than an 80% increase in “best” mobile term searches in the past two years. So, as a marketer, how can you better answer questions with video? People are looking for the best everything, so you can consider the search terms you associate with your pre-roll, mid-roll, and video discovery ads content on YouTube. Next time someone is looking for ‘best pizza recipe’ on YouTube, there’s a good chance a Domino’s Pizza ad could appear. Burger King created 64 unique 15-second pre-roll ads each targeted to a hyper-specific keyword search term. Take a look! 👇🏼

2. Video for digitally demanding consumers 

Would you call yourself a demanding customer? Most of us expect a more tailored mobile experience as we make decisions faster than ever. For instance, according to Google mobile searches for “_______ for me” have grown 60% in the past two years. That’s major! And if that wasn’t enough, there’s been 3x more mobile searches for “near me” searches over the past two years. Video marketing has the perfect opportunity to tune into a more personal and tailored wavelength. Consider personalized video technology like dynamic video ads on Facebook and YouTube. These types of ads on Facebook automatically generate optimized ad combinations based on components like image, video, title, description.

3. Video for the impatient consumer (who isn’t?)

Consumers want what they want and they want it now. Making decisions these days means there’s been a 150% growth in mobile search for “________ near me now”. That’s search, but what does this mean for video? Ultimately, it means that you have to realize the time crunch everyone is under. It’s more important than ever to analyze if we’re engaging our customers during these daily micro-moments. Depending on the platform, consider analyzing the view time of your videos and whether they match the journey stage someone is in. Are your videos platform optimized? Time is money! Is your bumper ad as frictionless as possible? Your social video as eye-catching as it should be?

 Want our Video Strategists to lead you in the right video direction?

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