
Best Brand Ads Using Cinemagraphs on Social Media and Digital Advertising – January 2018 | Flixel

Cinemagraphs are a top design trend in 2018. They live beautifully on social media, and drive higher engagement in digital marketing campaigns. Top brands like McDonalds, Squarespace, and Sony Music are using cinemagraphs to tell better stories that connect with their audiences deeply. Check out some of the best brand ads using cinemagraphs in digital marketing and social media from 2018!

Download your free trial of Cinemagraph Pro- http://bit.ly/2KlVqsm

Want to learn about how cinemagraphs outperform still photos in digital marketing campaigns and as Facebook ads? Check out our cinemagraph case studies series:

Get inspired by thousands of photographers around the world who use cinemagraphs to tell better visual stories: https://flixel.com/cinemagraphs/fresh/

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Best Brand Ads Using Cinemagraphs on Social Media and Digital Advertising - January 2018 | Flixel

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