Six Cheap SEO Australia Tips for the New Google Core Algorithm You’re all set up with a website or blog, and you’re in search of cheap SEO Australia tips. Thanks to Google’s recent update, it’s as important to optimise old content as it is to create something new.
The Google Core Update: What Does it Mean for Content Creators?
Google does regular updates that make changes to the algorithm. Google’s “Panda” update, which took place in February of 2011, helped the algorithm show high-quality search results. Before Panda, people were able to game the system using tactics like keyword stuffing. Websites with dozens of repeated keywords and little useful content were outranking websites with helpful information. That was a huge problem for both users and Google as a company.
Google’s latest core update took place on May 4th of this year. It increases the importance of updating older content to be more compatible with the current algorithm.
Cheap SEO Australia: What Happens if the Google Update Lowered Your Traffic?
Some content creators have discovered that the May update brought their search-engine traffic to a grinding halt. If this has happened to you, it’s natural to feel frustrated. You’ve worked hard on your SEO and content over the years, and experiencing a loss of traffic from something beyond your control is difficult.
Google has provided some information about what to consider when creating new content and updating old pages.
1. Is the Content Useful and Actionable?
Actionable content provides your visitors with something of value. It inspires them to take some form of action. That might be something as simple as clicking on a link to further educate themselves on the topic. It might mean purchasing your products or services. It could also mean sharing your content and letting others know it was helpful.
2. Is the Content Relevant Today?
Things change quickly in the modern world, which means content from a decade ago may not be relevant today. It’s smart to look through your older content and decide which pieces you can update and which you can delete.
For instance, let’s say you run a tech blog. You have an old article you wrote about a form of technology that has since been replaced by a newer system, but you forgot to go back and update the post. If that’s the case, now is the time to make that update a priority. Not only will irrelevant old posts lower your search ranking, but they will also harm your brand. If someone arrives at your website and finds inaccurate information, they will no longer trust you as a legitimate source.
There may also be times when it’s better to delete the content. If you have an old article about how to be successful on a social media platform that is no longer used, you can probably delete it. No one will be looking for that information. If you don’t want to delete the content, consider using it to redirect your users to something more relevant.
3. Make Evergreen Content
Creating evergreen content is an excellent strategy for long-term success. If you’re starting out, consider how you can create in a way that will still be relevant in the future. If you’ve been in the game a while, look at how you can bring older content up to date. Not every type of content can be made evergreen, but it’s something to consider.
4. Update Everything
Be sure to update other areas of your website aside from just your blog. This might include “about” pages, FAQs, and so on. Make sure that all information is relevant and that you aren’t using old SEO strategies you’ve forgotten about, such as keyword stuffing.
5. Avoid Complexity
Try to keep pages on your website focused on a single topic. Don’t write an article about gardening and also talk about how to maintain a happy marriage. At least, not unless these two topics can be tied together in a focused manner. People search the web to find information about a specific topic.
6. Use Google Analytics
Google’s latest core update took place on May 4th of this year. It increases the importance of updating older content to be more compatible with the current algorithm.
The post 6 SEO Tips That Always Work appeared first on Cheap Website Designs.