It’s no secret a solid social media strategy can make a huge impact in your business’s success. Standard for almost all businesses, especially those that run digitally. However, upping your social media marketing game is going to require your brand being in the forefront.
So to make it easy, here are 5 ways to brand your social media and feelgood about the marketing strategy you’re using to attract your ideal audience.
1. Call to action
It’s great to show an authentic side of yourself, the person behind the business. Most of the time, those posts are candid and in the moment. But hitting your goals is easier when you have a call to action in your posts; this could lead people back to your website to check out your new blog post, or follow the link to book a call with you, etc. Never be afraid to provide the next connection step.
2. Brand your curated posts
You can do this with a logo, submark, or graphic element that relates to your brand. I always tell my branding clients…”don’t skip this step!” These are the breadcrumbs, if you will, to ensure brand recognition and lead followers back to you.
3. Use a content calendar
This is a game changer and should be apart of your marketing prep. Personally I like to tailor mine to my sales or connection goals for the month. The content usually reflects a piece of our brand story, testimonials to share our clients success, and questions to make sure I’m providing the most relevant resources, etc.
TIP: just when you think you’ve said it enough, keep saying it. Reminding people how you started, what you do, who your brands supports, etc. will always be relevant! If you don’t have a content calendar, you can grab the one I use here.
4. Show your face
Believe it or not, this is tricky for some of us; I get it. But here’s a reality check: for all intended purposes, you are the face of your brand. Embrace it! Because people buy from people, not businesses.
PS: If you haven’t taken the time to get some professional brand photos, then here’s your permission slip. It was one of my best investments for my self confidence AND brand. Now people often recognize and associate me with donuts + coffee; a part of the Blue Loui Studio brand story.
5. Color
Simple but effective. Using your brand colors in your social media graphics does a few things…
a. Keeps things consistent, which is key to your brand gaining momentum
b. Makes it easier for you; you don’t have to sit down and think about what colors to use, how to stay on brand, or what images will work; you’re busy! Having a brand color palette at your finger tips saves a lot of time.
c. Connecting to the right audience: did you know color has a huge impact on the psychology of your content? Crazy, but true. Using particular colors will literally attract the right people. To which I say, see “b” above. Cheers to working with ideal clients!
If you’re struggling with these concepts, I always bring it back to three important
1. What platforms are you using?
2. Do you actually enjoy using the platform(s)?
3. Are your ideal clients using the platform?
We’re aiming for yes’s here–and if you’ve checked both of these boxes, focus on the best way to deliver your message (video, post, stories), something you enjoy and yields results. From there, you can start implementing your brand pieces! I think you’ll be surprised at the type of response you’ll receive and how your brand will do recognition and conversion work for you.
This post was written by Jennah Lear of Blue Loui Studio.
The post 5 Ways to Brand Your Social Media Marketing appeared first on According To Brittney.