
5 Reasons You Should Outsource To a Social Media Marketing Company

You’re all geared up for the big launch of your business. You’re not thinking of outsourcing to a social media marketing company but rather take things on your own hands and probably start implementing all the tips and tricks you’ve learned from all the social media maestros. Now what? After a month of functioning, everything works fine and your social media is flying high, that’s one case. What if you realized that your social media marketing efforts have failed after two to three months? That’s hard to imagine right.

Browsing through the already available blogs, guides and how to’s, social media seems so easy. But this is said on the assumption that you have atleast two to three hours a day to dedicate to social media. But what if you don’t? That’s where the challenge starts.

Social media is becoming all the more important to stay on top of your competitions and to actually connect with your customers on a real time basis. In fact, 74% of consumers cited relying on social media to make purchasing decisions. That being said, having an entire team to work on the content, designs and then the social media planning and strategy, that takes a toll if you have a tight budget. What’s the solution? Outsource it to a social media marketing company.

It may take some time but eventually you will realize the need for social media marketing for your growing business. Let’s look at the possible reason why you may need to outsource to a social media marketing company for your business.

Why outsource to a social media marketing company?

You need to understand the importance of social media marketing: Why bother about social media? Instead, you would just tag along with the traditional word of mouth or customer referrals and wait for your business to grow on these grounds. Wait, I’m not saying that these don’t work. In fact, I’ve seen a company doing wonders just through word of mouth and actually provide excellent service and gaining referrals. But that took the company almost ten years.

With competition rising fast on almost every niche you can imagine, following the traditional way may not be the best option. If you still feel why bother about Facebook or twitter for that matter, then you might just be loosing out on opportunities which otherwise could multiple your reach and customer base.

If you’re still confused on the why behind social media, you should consider getting a social media marketer on board who could show you the ropes. This may well help you understand the why behind social media or you can simply outsource it to a professional social media service provider.

facts to considers while Outsourcing to a social media marketing company
Image source: Sprout Social

You have to stay on top of trends: While we are discussing about outsourcing social media marketing, your competition may have already started a couple of campaigns and gained visibility among your audience. How to tackle that? With the decreasing social media attention span, businesses need to be fast at understanding their audience and acting quickly on it.

How would you have known that 84% of millennial don’t trust traditional advertising methods? These things need to be kept track of and having a social media plan sure does help. Imagine if you have a created a Facebook page and spent big bucks on advertising, only to realize that you have a higher chance of converting through LinkedIn. How would you ensure that Pinterest is not the platform for you to focus rather, marketing via YouTube would generate more leads?

Your dedicated social media marketing company could be the solution. Outsourcing your social media marketing would mean your service provider will have to do the extra work of understanding your audience and staying at top of the latest trends. With little information you could have your very own targeted campaigns while your service provider creates a masterpiece for you. These things have become all the more important for businesses to succeed and you need to ensure that you trust your marketing to only people who are updated with the ever changing social media landscape.

Social media marketing needs dedication: If you have plunged into the ocean of social media marketing, you would have realised how difficult it could to keep the platforms updated and running.

I remember a friend of mine who tried using twitter for three weeks and then finally decided to deactivate his account after not being able to have any sort of interaction or engagement. I asked him how many tweets he shared in a day and how often did he replied to any messages or other tweets. As expected, he would only tweet once in a day or two and like other tweets. Now how that does create engagement? This struck a simple mantra for the need of dedication when it come to social media and if you’re not ready for this, better have a person take over.

Social media is all about being social and you need to have your footprints over chats, communities and groups. Joining social media with a couple of self marketing post would create a negative image of your brand. Instead, focusing on your goals and having dedication could well be the answer to your social media dilemma.

Understanding analytics and acting on it: Data on your business is a goldmine to understand how your customers are engaging with your brand and what needs improvement. If analyzing social media data is not part of your strategy, then you may want to rethink.

In the current social media scenario, brands are spending a huge amount of their time in aggregating insights and data by capitalising on the social media analytics. In fact, two third of marketers use data from social media to improve their social media marketing strategy.

Monitoring information from your social media account and analysing them could bring you a step closer to better understand your audience. Using analytics you can determine the extent of your social media efforts. It’ll give you a clear picture of which content type gets shared the most and how are people reacting to it.

With the ever increasing social media reach and the amount of traffic and  exposure you could get, employing social media measurement is a must for all brand to out perform your competitors and bring out the best of your social media marketing efforts.

View of the Facebook analytics page

You simply use the analytics section of social media platform like Facebook and twitter or have a unified dashboard with tools such as Hootsuite. If this still seems a lot, try outsourcing your social media marketing.

You simply don’t have the time: Social media platforms such as Facebook have over 2 billion monthly active users and out of these how many could be your target audience? Reaching out to the huge list of active user is one and then actually communicating and then converting them is another. If you can get rid of your client meeting or an investor’s presentation, then you may have the time to actually look at the details of Google analytics dashboard. Other wise you could simply hire and expert to do it for you. Either way, no matter which niche your company belongs to, you’re still an entrepreneur and you will have tons of things to juggle in between. Taking on another responsibility of a social media marketer may not be a wise choice.

A possible solution to this ongoing challenge is to have your automated social media marketing. There are tolls for almost every action that goes out in social media. However, you may want to keep a single 10-15 minutes communication window where you would actually communicate with your audience. Scheduling post in advance could also be another solution to the “I don’t have time for social media”, peril.

Alternately, you can just hire a social media service provider and spent your time where you add the most value.

Still not sure?

You’ll need to understand if outsourcing social media is the right option for you and your company. Not to mention, you should check which company suits your requirement the best. You can always ask for samples and then decide.

What are the parameters you would look for while considering a social media marketing company for your business?

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