
2 Quick Tips to Improve Your Search Engine Results

Improve Your Search Engine Results Placement

He Said:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a daunting task if you’re a small business owner. We often get requests from clients saying something to the affect of:
“My site isn’t coming up #1 on Google, let alone on the first page! I think I need some search engine help . . . “
The bad news is: there is not a simple, all-encompassing search engine technique to implement once that will keep you at the top of Google’s search results forever. The good news is: because SEO is a continuous process that needs to be regularly analyzed and refined, you can begin improving your ranking right away with a few, small tweaks.
Here are 2 simple SEO techniques that you can quickly implement on your website that will improve your search engine results, and in turn, help your customers find you:

1.) Headlines

Go through all the headlines on your website and make sure they are as clear and concise as possible. Don’t try to be clever. Being clever may seem appropriate because you want to be creative and catchy, but search engines are “robots” that process information based on mathematical algorithms. So, creativity is not on their “minds.” Search engine robots place a high importance on your website titles and headlines when matching up searchers’ results. Are your headlines clear and direct? For example, if you wrote an article on turning grapes into wine, don’t use the headline: “Creating a Wonderful Evening Drink from Grapes.” Instead, choose something like: “Produce the Best Red Wine.”

2.) Image Tags

All images contain “alt tags.” Since search engine robots read text, they cant “see” an image and then determine how it relates to your website. If your image doesn’t have an alt tag with a textual description of the image, then the robots simply ignore it. So, you could have hundreds of amazing images displaying your products and services on your website that are actually doing nothing for you in Google’s search engine results. Go through your site’s images and add textual descriptions that describe what is being displayed. If the image is a picture of wine grapes, then say, “Wine grapes used for producing Merlot.”
Investing in search engine techniques helps your customers find you easily and quickly. Every time you get a higher placement on a search engine result’s page, you are pushing your competitors down the list. So, if they are concerned with their placement, then they are taking notice and implementing techniques to try to get back to the top of the search results page. If you can’t afford an SEO expert to help you out, start with these two simple techniques and you are already off to a great start. If you’d like us to take a look at your headlines and alt tags, just drop us an email and we’ll let you know if your site is looking good or needs some work.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for Kelli’s “She Said” article next month.

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