The best way anyone can beat their competitor is by providing better service and products. Add a good marketing strategy with the quality of the products and you are unstoppable. Your competitors will then follow you. We are living in the digital world. People and businesses are online. It is all due to the internet and social media platforms. And the website is the best way to promote your business or personal brand online.
Online marketing depends on several things. SEO (search engine optimization) of your website and content is an important part of online marketing. For this, many are offering their services.
The question here is why do you need SEO? The answer is to rank better in the search done on search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Among all the search engines present in the market, Google is the market leader. The search engine market share for Google was 88.47 % as of April 2019. This data is for global searches across all search engines. Now you know the reasons for good SEO and the importance of higher ranking on Google. Since the majority of searches happen on Google, you want it to consider your business first. A good SEO Services Agency will plan and work towards helping your business achieve that.
In this article, we have brought ten tips of SEO through our years of experience that will help you get ahead of your competitors.
Understand The Google Algorithm- Google keeps changing the algorithm for search. It is a process to upgrade and continuously ensure a smooth experience for users. Keywords are very important for search engine optimization. Most of the SEO professionals focus their work on the keywords only. But the best results will come if you understand Google and its various services. We are the best SEO Company in Dubai, which keeps updating along with the Google algorithm. This way we are better prepared to plan and execute. Our SEO plans are always following the changing algorithm of Google.
This is also one very fast way to help Google recognize your work. Google loves to serve the best services to its users. As a business, you will want more people to recognize your brand. Google reviews are the place where your customers share their testimonial about the quality of your services or products. If your competitor is doing better than you are on the search, results then check their Google review too. Along with this, you should get reviews from as many sources possible. Even a testimonial on social media is considered.
Put Yourself On Google Map- More people are now using Google Maps to reach their destination. This is slowly picking up but more SEO professionals have now realized the use of Google maps for better ranking. Embed Google Maps on your website. Users searching for things near you will be able to see you too. Google maps automatically suggest local cafes, restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. This way you can place yourself well even on Google maps for better ranking on the Google search.
Use Google Adwords- Google offers this paid service to help businesses be seen. Organic ranking is the ultimate objective but it is a long-term process. You can use the paid ads to get some visibility immediately. Later on, you can build on this your organic ranking. One thing you must remember that even this paid service requires proper planning. Otherwise, you may end up wasting your money with no results. You can search for top ranking keywords and even purchase them. You need to be an SEM expert to handle paid campaigns, budget management, positive keywords, negative keywords, etc. You must know how to balance all the factors together.
Optimize The Website For Mobile Friendly- When the majority of searches are now happening through mobiles, you need a responsive website. This means your website display should adjust as per the changing screen size. Google gives preference to mobile-friendly websites. So whenever the list of the business for a particular keyword comes Google ranks the responsive sites first then others follow.
Improve The Page Loading Time- Well this is not a difficult thing to understand. Slow websites are a strict no. Users want speed and prefer a faster loading website. Most of the users do not spend too much time waiting for the website to load. They skip and go to a similar site for what they are searching for. And they are all your competitors. Google penalizes the websites with slow loading and appreciates faster loading ones with a higher ranking. From time to time, analyze the speed of your website, find the error and remove them.
Use Google My Business- Very few SEO experts include Google My Business as part of their optimization strategy. It is the best way to reach the local market. Always remember that Google gives preference to the services it offers. Again, this is free to use service. All you need to do is to create a business profile and fill the details. Google fetches information from this to show its users nearby businesses based on their keyword searches. We are the top agency for Search Engine Optimization in Dubai. Our team has experience working on diverse businesses and helping them rank high on Google.
Have A Good Meta Description- Till now; you must know how important the keywords planning are for better search ranking. Content that with the focus on the keywords helps boost the optimization for the search engines. Google loves quality content that offers information to the users and is engaging. Including blogs into your website brings more traffic and improves conversion. But, along with the good content, you need to write proper heading and Meta description that includes your keywords too.
Have A Simple Site Map For Your Website- Many web developers put their entire effort into navigation designing. Also, they focus on the layout of the website but forget to put a simple site map. The website map helps the user to know the details of the website making it easy for them to access the site. You can also submit your site map on Google that helps the Google bot to scrawl better and index your pages.
Include Voice Search Option- We are into the 21st century and almost two decades have gone. Voice search is the future with already mobile contributing highest among sources of searches. Adding a voice search on your website will take you ahead of your competitors’ many miles. It is because they are busy with the AI chatbots and you are adding both to jump pass them.
Now Go Outrank Your Competitor:
These ten SEO tips are based on both on-site and off-site SEO. While planning your SEO procedure just include these steps and see yourself outrank your competitor on Google. In case you would like to discuss you can contact us and we would be very happy to help you.
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